Recent content by nsw..wollongong

  1. N

    Would you buy bos merch

    id rather walk out in my high school jersey
  2. N

    BOS new look?

    #bringbackoldbos ☹️✊
  3. N

    Medicine with a 97-98 atar?

    with a 95, ur not competitive. rather you're an outlier, not saying that others haven't gotten in before with this score, but this is not the norm. ur mum is right in that a lot ppl think that performing well in yr 12 is the only way of getting into med. but getting a 95 wont guarantee u many...
  4. N

    Medicine with a 97-98 atar?

    nope. and doing a bach. science before postgrad med doesn't make entry into med any easier.
  5. N

    What ATAR do you actually need to do Medicine?

    u say this till u go thru unforeseen circumstances that result in academic disadvantage.
  6. N

    What ATAR do you actually need to do Medicine?

    no one even asked u to do it mate
  7. N

    What ATAR do you actually need to do Medicine?

    the last i knew of bond is that their lowest atar acceptance in 2023-24 was 95.5, and their gpa postgrad acceptance was arnd 6.2-6.5/7. this isn't an extremely low score at all, and u still do have to do a psychometric exam + interview. imo i don't think they're 'paying to win', its just a...
  8. N

    Bio module that is the most content-heavy and hardest

    fsr our school combined mod 6 + 7 alternating each week, it was HELL.
  9. N

    part time job after hs

    there r a lot of places that are happy with summer jobs! i know ppl that worked in vet clinics or at the zoo and shadowed dental assistants. ur best shot is to just ring ppl up and see if they're okay with it, ud be surprised at the amt of ppl who'd like a helping hand even if its just 3-4 months <3
  10. N

    USyd Chatter thread 2025

    i personally use both, iPad for annotating lecture slides then paper+pen for final exam notes
  11. N

    Book Review Dump***

    that'll be my next series to review then 😼
  12. N

    Book Review Dump***

    Title: An Ember in the Ashes Series (I'm reviewing all four books at once) Author: Sabaa Tahir Published: 2015 (book 1) - 2020 (book 4) MY RATING: 7/10 - ofc nothing makes more sense than the deadliest man in the academy falling for his mother's servant slave instead of his girl bsf that he's...
  13. N

    Out of area by one street

    ohhh is this just a sydney thing? bc Illawarra doesn't do that idkk