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  • Lol did you watch the other ones as well? So funny, I am definitely buying star wars robot chicken now...
    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yo Mama fight!
    YouTube - Your Mamma Fight

    XD reminded me of this, you better watch it!
    I was thinking of leaving around 11.30 from where I live [Croydon]. I'd get to Eddy Avenue by about 12.00-12.10. Is that a good time for you? And I'll remember to look for a yellow zip-up binder :D
    :D Actually we have a late start on monday (at 1), but we a tute first then a lecture in lab 133; we could meet at central or the bus stop if you'd like?
    I always wear jeans too, much more comfortable :) I'm quite short, Asian, lightly tanned skin and usually have my hair up. Might be hard to find me, so want to pick a spot to meet?
    Ok i ended up picking CHEM1011 because I've already done high school chem and i think the mechanics ones like MMAN1300 can only be taken second semester, so that only really left chemistry :S I was quite confused but it doesnt matter cause I'm so excited :D
    hey there, I'm bri and i sw u were doing materials science as well, I'm just wondering what are u going to pick as ur elective for semester 1? I have no idea what to chose :S
    i really think theres something wrong with me. i can manouver around this site fine, but when it comes to fb im just lame
    AHAHAH, yeah, thats a funny one.
    the others are easy too, they'll become easier once your practice them :)
    see yuu at school.
    LOL LOL, i so didnt know this was you... bahaha, i thoughti was getting some random message about a pills thread ....


    imma make a thread. i commanc you to post in it :) hehe
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