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Phoenix Fury
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  • lol thaanks for the rep :D. I waas gunaa give u rep for the same commentt but den it said blaah blaah needa spread rrepp. i was lyk daaymn lol
    i just got a friend request on facebook from someone i am 100% sure was already in my friends list
    they mustve seen my status, deleted me, realised it was a joke, and readded me HAHAHA
    Ngawww, that's so cute.
    You're attached to teaching, huh?
    Btw, if you become a secondary male teacher...just to let ya know, when I was young, I was scared of them. :D
    Lol, well all the best in whatever you wish to do. xD
    btw, i wrote stuff like "i think this is the text under this heading" so make sure you delete it yeh.
    ohh lol
    You scared me.
    Well, thanks once again.

    Teaching primary kids would be fun, I guess.
    I actually wanted to do Primary teaching initially, and then changed my mind to Early childhood, and then once again changed my mind to secondary teaching, and stuck with it lol.
    Hey man,

    I downloaded it, and opened it, but it's screwed up, like the cursor keeps going on that loading symbol everytime I put it over the table.

    However, I managed to Move the table a little, and can see some text.

    I'll try to fix it, if it's possible, it's very hard to get hold of the table.
    ooh interesting
    Sorry, just curious, but why overseas?
    Kids are the sme everywhereeee :p
    That's sweet.
    Glad to know you're having fun.
    Do you have any school in mind, that you particularly wanna teach at?

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