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  • I guess so. I'm scared I'm going to be old, and poor, and unemployed because I'm studying physics. :(
    haha. yeah. My subjects are like, SO random. Like who does Computing, German, Maths and Physics. Ridiculous.
    Oh. Right. No, I didn't actually do HSC Chemistry.

    Really? All my lectures have actually been really interesting. Mostly. So I've actually been paying attention and writing things down. I'M ACTUALLY GONNA DO WELL THIS SEMESTER. WHOO.
    Wait. Huh? What? What ester prac? What's an ester?

    Wow. That's intense. 182. You actually counted. You get this bored during lectures? :O
    Are you kidding? I love physics. and I ABSOLUTELY HATE CHEMISTRY. I'm so glad that I never ever have to do chemistry again.

    I remember overhearing someone complain about that at the start of sem 1. They did sets like three times, because of discrete, and algebra and calculus in 1141.
    Yeah. I had the best physics lecture I've ever had at uni. Ah, special physics. <3
    I was considering doing discrete maths! But then I didn't.
    ah well. I kind of don't care any more. Just glad it's over. But I'm loving uni this sem so far! :)
    I'd like to see the score break up as well, but something tells me that we might not ever see them.
    Yep, I checked mine a little after I posted that. hehe. whoops. How did you go? I got 75. LOL.
    Ah. I see. I actually liked my prospective biography. I thought mine was awesome. I always liked creative writing. :D

    But yeah, I really want my SCIF marks already so I can get my proper WAM.
    I meant that I read the biography done on you. As in, I was reading all about your life story. I gave it a 10/10 - but then again, it's SCIF, so that's not really saying anything.
    LOL. I just realised it was YOUR classmate biography that I reviewed.

    "He plays online nation-running games, where he has taxed 100% of the incomes of his simulated citizens, showing his rational approach to life and his interests in economics." Interesting.
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