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  • That's good to know =)
    Well you should have confidence. You seem really smart. No, seriously.
    Hehe I remember doing MX1 integration.. glad I dropped it :D
    I'm gonna drag my butt of the computer and try to do some chem now >>" (if I fail this exam, my parents will force me to go back to tutoring and god I hate that tutor. You know those people who pretend to be nice but are actually snidely condescending? That's my tutor. -rage-)
    Gluck with exams =)
    Maybe just a bit of a wrong impression =P
    I think I've actually been not-so-polite to you on one or more occasions because of that impression >_<". But it appears you didn't notice, so it's all good :D
    Don't say that! You have plenty of confidence :uhhuh: (I, on the otherhand, don't lol).
    Err yes. I'm studying tonight. In between short breaks on BOS.
    Or, more accurately, I'm on BOS - in between short breaks of studying xD.
    Wbu? Having fun nerding?
    My exams start next week too D:
    They put eco on the same day as 3u english. Which involves a 1500 word essay + 1500 word creative.
    What bitches lol Dx.
    Hnn, lol, it kinda suprised me when you said you were scared - everytime I've seen you around this site, you've seemed pretty.. confident :uhhuh:
    Suppose so lol =P
    It certainly makes a lot more sense than chemistry and I cling to the subjects that I'm not failing in :D
    Also, I love it :D
    Bit behind on my reading because of exams though >_<;".
    ahaha lol, yeh yr 11 prelim was my most activest time, but then i got sick of bos, wasted too much time, so i quit in auguest, and came back 6 months later this yr.

    As for hsc, its ok, exams in a week, english and physics same day :angry:

    btw, i dont do those subjects in my sig lol
    Good to hear that you're well. Lol I don't like English either.

    Wow, why have you three BOS accounts?
    Hey, thanks for the add. Being your first BOS friend makes me feel special. :)

    But before we go any further, please do attempt this slightly-impromptu *questionaire*:

    1. How are you?
    2. What school do you go to?
    3. What subjects do you do and how are they?
    4. Why did you add me?

    </ice-breaking attempt>
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