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  • True. You kind of don't want to do past papers knowing your going to get a lot wrong but then you do want to do them so that you make the mistakes now and not in the actual HSC. At least you've got the holidays to catch up with 3U a little now :) Haha yeah, that pretty much sums up most of english - bs.
    Haha yeah procrastination's terrible, eh? Yes, I need to get into some past papers for physics. I fear that's my weakest subject so I'll need to work harder at it. Have you hit the past papers yet? How are you finding 3U? Sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out for you. Since english has to count, I'm going to focus on that - practice essays and such. Immensely boring though :\
    I think I'm better at theory...at least I like it more, but I usually end up being better at the maths. Expect in my physics half yearly when I made the stupidest mistake!! I realised that I had to convert milimetres to metres but I converted it wrong :( And it was such an easy question! nm I just got my head around AC induction motors so I'm over the moon :D You got much study/homework to do over the holidays?
    Don't worry, I'm sure you still have quite a few assessments to go so you can easily make up for it :) I'm hoping Ideas to Implementations is going to be better than M&G
    Lol yeah we've finally finished motors and generators which I am cheering about because I hate all that electricity stuff :\ Space was so much more interesting!! What topics have you done?
    Pretty good...except physics :| Will definitely have to put more into physics. At least its nearly the holidays!!
    True, there's good points and bad points to having half yearlies. At least senior science has bits of all three sciences :D Should be a good mix of the sciences if you do decide to take it!
    lol yeah probably :D my memory must be scrambled from all those half yearlies. how did you go?!
    haha just realised you are the person who has the subjects closest to mine! :)
    Yay for all 3 sciences!
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