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  • haha thanks :)
    im still in the middle of thinking about it to drop or not but after much advice i'm leaning towards keeping it. Thanks, your advice really helped ^__^
    because I was coming second last, and I didnt want to drop any of my other subjects, loll

    haha nahh you're cool.. you do cool subjects :p
    maybe we could catch up and i could physically explain this to you
    haha, I love it when people say the "asian subjects"

    I'm all the humanities subjects
    Adv. English, SOR1u, Ancient, Modern, Legal, Drama..

    I dropped maths at the end of prelim.
    ahh, we did AoS first, then Bladerunner/Frankenstein.. module B? now Hamlet.. module C?
    I don't pay attention to module names.. just what ever the text is, lol

    nahh, I want to do teaching.. but Legal Studies essays are my 2nd on my most hated essays to write list, lol "assess the effectiveness of..." ahh shut up!

    modern essays are my favourite!

    what subjects do you do?
    Hamlet! advanced english at it's best!

    I despise english essays, yuck yuck yuck
    I'd right 5 legal essays then write one english essay.. and legal essays are a pain in the ass. loll
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