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  • Hey, sorry I actually replied to your message yesterday...pretty late (like 1am) and i was on my phone so it sort of got screwed up and it didnt send so i fell asleep.
    As I was saying :) :) :) yeah sure thing, we''ll organise it some time during the hols after everyone has finished exams because it will be more suitable for everyone then.
    And hahaha no im not a stereotype, I have a really bad habit of talking in accents all the time and lebo gangsta just so happens to be one of them...ahh good times (it works like a charm as a boy repellant :D )
    Hahaha dont worry, I say "da" all the time...even in real life (cos I like to sound like a lebo gangsta hahaha). Havent you met shadowdude in real life? We should all meet up in real life (the UWSers)
    lol, nice gangsta language mirakon "in da workplace" hahahah :D :D :D Johann came to our uni yesterday haha, hes a pretty cool dude.
    only in the commerce degree, unfortunately in the law degree, they usually tell us "oh sorry, this is the nature of group work :p" crazy really. Im always stuck doing all the work hahaha, we get top marks though :D its like working on your own...but you get screwed over a few weeks cos of the shit members hahaha.
    hahaha na, focusing on uni. i dont have time for da eye candy hehehe.
    ...good times.
    im stuck with this really shit marketing group. when group evaluation time comes round ima give every single one of em a big fat zero :( shame.
    hahaha thats heaps good to hear! a lot of people in first sem tend to find it a little bit difficult to fit in but good on you, thats excellent. it took me all of first sem to fit into uni. i really missed my friends and all that jazz. but yeah uni is a really good experience, heaps different to hs :) (and i dont know how but all these good looking people just started popping up out of nowhere so im in eye candy heaven now hehe. i look but i dont touch..or approach cos im too shy hahahaha)
    haha, omg penguins are so cute! but your top 5 is pretty non-child friendly too (k3k3k3)
    hows life son? hope uni's goin good.
    theyre in the top 5 :D
    i love crocs, snakes, lizzards, wolves, cheetahs, and i really like lambs and baby goats lol
    haha mate I remember you!
    How's it going?

    fine rep you got there ;) u free tonite bby? haha
    Br8 i'm gonna do a Bachelor in Street Pharmacy. Help all mah niggas out.
    ohh wow haha.

    There's a rap thread in NS. Might check it out yo :D
    Let's rap this rap up Mirakon bro,
    cos everyone know atar hate ain't nuthin' but a ho.

    Hahah shit you're life is set. All you need to do now is get shot/die of a drug overdose.
    I couldn't hear most of it though :(
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