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  • heyyyy sorry for the shockingly late reply..ive been bombarded with assessments/assignments so ive only been using BoS for its trusty resources- there are actually super in times of crisis : ) haha
    i feel like i owe BoS so much hahahaha
    anywayy hows yr 11 for you?
    haha yep its such a relief. me & another boy are dropping so theres gunna be 3 people left LOL.
    yep 11 units! yayyy! more studies! gives me more time to focus on bio too cos its so hard =P
    umm in breaks i usually just come on the computer haha, watch tv, listen to musc...anything other than school work.
    ohhh awesome!
    ahhh i just studied for my half yearlies :( so boring! im kind of having a big break now. i havent had a big break all day.
    im so excited though! im dropping ext. maths next week!!! so i wont have to do the half yearly!! its such a relief!
    Service cashier I've found is very repetitive. Fortunately I don't work on front-end too often, I work most of my shifts in the bakery department.
    "service cashier PPT" is no different to a casual service cashier as far as duties go. Basically you stand at your register and scan the items of customers, take their money and give change. Pretty boring.
    Keep an eye out on wowcareers. Any positions being offered will be on there.
    My store is Woolowrths Bankstown and as far as I am aware there aren't any positions going at the moment. (I checked on wowcareers and couldn't find one)
    Hey dux&src...
    what you'll find is that everyone earns the same, regardless of department.
    So a fifteen year old in deli earns the same rate as a fifteen year old service cashier.
    The only way a person of the same age can earn more is if they are a supervisor, manager, etc.
    Hope this helps?
    wowo!! awesome!!! how long did that take u approx.???

    i did exercise too!!! :D

    aww the temperature in my room isn't that bad!! it's just right :)

    u need to open up ur windows or turn on your fan then :D
    tooo personal :)

    ok ok!! i fully support all that!! though i'm not sure about the uniform being 'cool' :p

    do u want to work at mcdonalds? :S
    yep :) we lived there last year then moved, but we still have our house - its great to go back

    when did u go there?
    nothing much, im going to jindabyne for the weekend and there's a lake there so might go for a swim as well as the usual study
    wahat???? i said 'this tuesday'? :D:D
    EXACTLY!! show off some of ur moves! :p do some boogying! :D

    how was ur day??? lalalalala i'm HAPPY!
    wow! 2 exams next week, it sounds big and scary

    loving being a senior to my maths teacher stops in the middle of class and goes lets play indoor cricket not to mention the blind eye to ipods :)

    anything happy planned for the weekend, other than study
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