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  • dude, its confusing aswell. I freaked out aswell, lucky i read the link below it or i would have rang up straight away. I was like wtf is this shit.
    add me on MSN? Maybe being in the same classes can help us
    dude yeah acceptted and enrolled. We could enrol in same times if you want? So we atleast know someone sorta. I can show you my timetable, although some days are pretty full on. You picking software engineering or comp sci?

    btw i picked software engineering
    I'm not sure. It was working unrestricted before. I can't get in either now. Try asking Aquawhite. He has better knowledge than I do on the subject.
    i imagine it would be annoying having that name. hearing it used in conversation and turning around and stuff.
    yeah i know theyre similar. thats why i adapted it, to try and see if i could make something different out of something similar, but nope, ended up with the same situation in both. prime example of why my writing sucks ass.
    and thanks. :)
    no. that shits true. i just found that passage of writing from a book and edited it slightly. creative writing exercise.
    Yeh I can't work out if he's trolling either, if so he is quite good at it I guess, but who knows.
    The rest seem pretty good, exactly as you said rather intelligent and speak their minds about stuff.
    Heh, yeh I started looking at that one night cos it was the only thread people were still posting in at the hour I was up at (this was when cake thrad was at like 280k-ish), which was just after the time when I realised they weren't all cunts like I used to think, hahaha.

    I generally don't post in there, only because I rarely have anything to say on the topic of whatever they're talkin about. Though most of my posts would be raging at slide for being an arsehole anyway. But yeh I could name them easy enough.
    lawl, hmm do you reckon there are lurkers about or do you mean it in a more semi regular bosers who don't post that often kinda way?
    Bahahaha, it would be cos I refresh new posts like a mofo when I'm bored, which happens to be most of the time I'm awake, lol.
    But yes, rather detailed yet still brief enough to not seem strange xD
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