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  • Spiral is funny hey. But he says he's a nasty creature, then he says he's a robot. He should make up his mind haha.
    I'm from south Africa actually, so I've seen a lot of the underprivileged people there. You have a good motive ;) I chose neuroradiology because I have a passion for the brain. Of course! Medical research is where the Nobel prizes come from ;);)
    Exactly my mentality hehe. Aim for the sky, even if you fall you land among stars :) I personally want to do MBBS at Sydney because of a few reasons. One is the pleasure if knowing you were accepted for the most prestigious medical course in Australia, but also because I hope to go through the echelons up to neuroradiology, my final career goal. What specialty are you aiming for?

    the trial exam type thing at parra library

    the actual classes starting october 8 at my house :)

    dw, i confused myself too! lol
    So, we'll meet up next week at parra library, either wed or thurs (will let u know day/time when i receive confirmation from other potential student)

    to get to my house, u catch the t80 from parra to green valley, there is one leaving parra at 11:32, gets to green valley at 12:10. I can get u from there
    No I don't. Spiral always enjoy inflicting pain on humans. I do not experience human emotions. Spiral is a very nasty creature.
    Yeah, it is a bit of a trek! But, it is worth it ;)

    I have students coming from Parramatta, Quakers Hill and Hurstville

    I was hoping to get a class going at Parra library -- but unfortunately I do not have any spare time :(

    So, yeah.. It's pretty much up to you. If you can be bothered making it to my house or not :)
    Indeed human. It must be the HSC stress. Why do you always frown? I have never seen a human this sad. Makes Spiral extremely happy.
    Green Valley is about 10-15 mins drive from Liverpool.

    If you were to come, the easiest way via public transport would be:
    train --> Parra
    T-way bus --> Green valley

    I have already offered to pick up one student from the T-way stop at Green Valley, as it is a decent walk from the T-way stop to my house.
    Nah, no pass mark. It's either I see the potential in you, or I don't :)

    It is pretty subjective, especially considering it is a one-off meeting and as slack as it sounds, I just feel sorry for the outstanding students in a class who want to delve deeper into the topics, but can't due to time being taken up by lesser able students, which is generally the case in a regular classroom and a regular tuition centre.
    I have been teaching since 2007 and been tutoring since before that, both for myself and different tuition companies and every single class I have ever taught/tutored (with the exception of my band 6 classes), it is the top students getting frustrated! I love having 4-6 excellent students in a class, noone getting frustrated and all wanting to beat each other :)
    Confidence in your ability is the most important thing you can have! As long as you are realistic! :)

    They are mostly questions which I have written myself and given to my Year 11 students in topic tests etc.. Some are questions from past examination papers, but they are not really questions which you can study for per se. There are no theory questions, no 'describe' or 'explain' etc... It's pretty much to deterimine if you can see how physics applies to the certain questions or not. :)
    Application of physical laws to unfamiliar scenarios is what sets the band 6 students apart from the rest, anyone can rote learn a textbook and often go really well in HSC Physics, I am interested in how physics is applied, rather than how physics is read in a textbook :)
    That sucks :(
    Will you have the same teacher for year 12?
    Perhaps just have a brief look over the two topics, it is not like a full on examination -- Basically, you're given about 10 MC questions, I try not to stare whilst you're working it all out (Because i hate it when people do that to me!), i then ask you to explain them to me. Then give you a few longer answer calculation questions, 1 question at a time and I just ask you to talk to me about how you would approach the question, if you're going down the right track, i'll ask you to work it out for me. If you're going down the wrong track, i'll try and guide you :)
    I am meeting up with another potential candidate either on Wednesday or Thursday next week at Parra library, would you like to join us?
    I suppose an 85 may seem low to exceptional students :) lol
    I had to drop it to 85, it used to be 90, but then I had one student get an 89.. :( I dont want to false advertise!
    Ummmm, the questions I will ask you are concerned with moving about and electrical energy in the home. They are basically interpretation/application questions -- I want to see how you interpret the questions and what physics you apply to the question.
    The students who are currently in my class are all quite talented, all doing MX2, either coming first in Physics at their school or going well at a top 10 school.
    I have knocked back 9 students so far.
    Where are you located? We would have to arrange a meeting at some stage next week.
    Hi Jnney,

    The class which I am offering on Saturdays is a class suited for students aiming for 85+ in HSC Physics.

    If you feel you are a student which is aiming for this high standard, please respond quickly as class starts on October 8 and we need to organise a meeting before this date, as I need to assess whether you are suited for the class or not. I have 2 spots free in the class at the moment :)
    Cost for the assessment is $45 and will take less than an hour -- it is basically me asking you questions and seeing how you appraoch different types of questions (I am mainly concerned with your ability in the calculation aspect of the course -- the theory and how to answer theory questions perfectly will be drilled into you, from day one) and if you are accepted into the class, your first lesson is free.
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