lol @ all the interesting posts..
WAM, if you're speaking in the context of UNSW, means weighted average mark.
e.g. a person, for
Semester 1 2005
ACCT 1501 80 DN
ECON 1101 80 DN
ECON 1202 82 DN
LEGT 1711 72 CR
TERM WAM : 78.500 [(80+80+82+72)/4]...
its shows up correct in the academic statement as:
Program : 3502 Commerce
Plan : ACCTAD3502 Accounting Double Major
Plan : FINSAD3502 Finance Double Major
Session : Session One
Guess it just dont show up on the add courses page.
Thats like setting a duel time.
before or after breakfast?
for me, its a convenience thing. but a tip is..
set your accounting/finance/qma tuts as late in the week as possible. :)
Mate, I was watching as around 20 guys rushed the fence.
Only about 4 or 5 were successful. the rest got crash tackled by the security guards.
They got their shirts ripped and were smashed against the fence. A few were bleeding afterwards. Police were called to escort them out.
I believe one...
Tutorial: class where students are encouraged to discuss matters with each other. kinda more like your highschool classes.
tutor:student ratio --- 1:23
lecture: Person talking in front, gives an overview of the subject and you take notes (ideally) lecturer:student --- 1: 200+
Lab: depends on...