oddly enough i think anne sexton's poetry is more interesting than plath's, considering i think they were pals, and plath is far more popular.
plath bores me really.
i have a '91 liberty gx
i love the car, has lots of guts, is quite spacious and generally kicks ass.
huge downside is that it is very expensive to run.
hah, hmm.. right.
i wouldn't. i'm neither lying nor a fool. it's not about having extra money that you could then use to benefit your partner, more showing where your priorities lie in life.
chances are he was just messing around with you, but to show him how much of a shit he is for making calls like that, get in contact with everyone he knows and tell them about it.
i'm like that.
and on the actual topic of this thread, i pretty much agree with everything tulipa says. the last post shimmy&shine made was a pretty huge wank.
motorola have pretty screwed software. you won't be able to properly interface with the phone using bluetooth, purely because the protocols motorola use are not normal. i have a macbook and a L7 slvr and i get very limited connectivity.