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  1. Cianyx

    Gina Rinehart - Thoughts?

    Why the fuck do you keep spamming your fb page?
  2. Cianyx

    who is the most jacked on these forams??

    Custom make this for lols
  3. Cianyx


    I suspect their agenda goes beyond anti-rape. Some of the signs I read came across as trying to invoke male guilt.
  4. Cianyx

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    I heard the supersquats was to boost testosterones or smth. Congrats though
  5. Cianyx

    Things that annoy you.

    Statistics hate crew unite. It makes no fucking sense to me
  6. Cianyx

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    He probably took powerlifting standards and worked down from there. lol. Good to know I'm not as weak as I thought
  7. Cianyx

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    I'm aiming for just about 95. Max 80 atm. Here are the strength standards I used to plateau at 65. But when I started eating more and got a regular...
  8. Cianyx

    how good are women

    Women are great, until the vapid one starts opening her mouth
  9. Cianyx

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    I can bench a bit more than my bw. That's my only decent lift =/
  10. Cianyx

    Are marxists mentally ill?

    Support anti-cuts!
  11. Cianyx

    Are marxists mentally ill?

    All evils of the world can be traced back to capitalism
  12. Cianyx

    So what's new with you and your significant other/crush/desired person/ etc?

    Sometimes I'm thinking that I love you But I know it's only lust The sins of the flesh Are simply sins of lust Story of my life
  13. Cianyx

    Why do girls dump nice guys and go for the jerks?

    Friendzone doesn't exist. If you play your cards right, anyone can break it
  14. Cianyx

    Why do girls dump nice guys and go for the jerks?

    That is a tad too clingy. Doesn't it bother you?
  15. Cianyx

    What are your political ideals?

    Where everyone sit in circles singing Beatles songs everyday
  16. Cianyx

    Back-up spouce

    what if your best mate is a bloke?
  17. Cianyx

    which minor political issue do you feel strongly about?

    jumping through so many hoops just to get a driving license
  18. Cianyx

    wats ur gym routine

    My ON whey came in today. Such a good feeling. Great timing as well, considering I just finished my last batch
  19. Cianyx

    I don't like playing video games anymore

    Can someone help remedy this? :cry:
  20. Cianyx


    I'm getting bored. Everyone! Post the awesomest guitar solo you've heard lately