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  1. MaNiElla

    Employment situation in Australia

    Of course! come back to me baby!
  2. MaNiElla

    War pensioner knocks down would-be thief

    Yep, he got what he deserved! Good ol' Frank.
  3. MaNiElla

    James Morrison

    Hello Teclis! :wave:
  4. MaNiElla

    Bash my Lyrics...

    Hey Teclis! :wave:
  5. MaNiElla

    hey double dee twenty four! whats with the purple mark on yo face?

    hey double dee twenty four! whats with the purple mark on yo face?
  6. MaNiElla

    Imo 2009

    OMG!!! those girls look so "unusuall" imo :eek:
  7. MaNiElla

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    Now thats just hot *raaawwrrrrr*
  8. MaNiElla

    dog or cat meat

    Yes its morally wrong, because you will then be discriminating between cats and dogs, and using names such as "Dog Meat" and "Cat meat" is racist and derogatory. We should not be discriminating between different races/species of animals.
  9. MaNiElla

    Who Loves their Job

    So I gave this "one particualr person" bitch and her side kick a peice of my mind today. Im still feeling abit angry and a bit shaken, but it feels SO BLOODY GOOD!! I embarressed the hell out of that lying, unprofessional bitch!!! HA!!
  10. MaNiElla

    Michael Jackson Dead

    Oh stfu
  11. MaNiElla

    Who wants 18 million Terabytes of Ram?

    hey Teclis :wave:
  12. MaNiElla

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    A new pretty and shiny laptop!!! *yay*
  13. MaNiElla

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    Not neccessarily a peice of metal. It can also (mostly) be a peice of gold, diamond, crystal, etc.
  14. MaNiElla

    Best Place for Thai in Newtown

    Sorry teclis im not into thai, so i dont really know!
  15. MaNiElla

    The KFC thread

    KFC sucks