Search results

  1. MaNiElla

    Favorite Energy Drink

    So what does your boss have to offer? I bet he has years upon years of experience working in the country's finest firms.
  2. MaNiElla

    Favourite tea?

    Mint green tea
  3. MaNiElla

    nice guys finish last

    We were all fighting over the nice guy back in my days :o every one of us.
  4. MaNiElla

    Asian Hair

    Almost all asian poster guys have ugly hair styles. But the girls have awesome hair styles i reckon!
  5. MaNiElla

    Thanks :)

    Thanks :)
  6. MaNiElla

    Finished your exams yet???

    its harry potter 6 guys!!
  7. MaNiElla

    guys and high heels.

    but i think thats its hotter for a guy to be taller then the least slightly taller :o
  8. MaNiElla

    guys and high heels.

    that's how i keep reading your username for some reason :S
  9. MaNiElla

    Go selective, or stay?

  10. MaNiElla

    Michael Jackson Dead

    some wierdos in this thread :/
  11. MaNiElla

    How much water do you drink a day?

    3 600ml bottles a day
  12. MaNiElla

    Should I consider medicine or just forget it?

    definately consider medicine
  13. MaNiElla

    Common food that YOU have never eaten or avoided.

    praline filled chocolate
  14. MaNiElla

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    i like all these usyd chatter threads, lol!
  15. MaNiElla

    Uni or full-time work?

    you pick either uni or full time work