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  1. Rahul

    msn's "x new email messages"

    i lost you about...crack open the registry... there :p
  2. Rahul

    Cadetship Interview!

    hmm...what i was asked, i had been to 2 interviews: some situation where you were under pressure, and how you coped with it. where you had to do something new, how you coped, what happened, etc. extra curricular activities you have done, etc. some questions about team-work. you...
  3. Rahul

    ideas to imp

    from memory, there is something like that in the jacaranda? not sure...have a look anyway :)
  4. Rahul

    msn's "x new email messages"

    i am using winxp. SP1a??? i dont quite follow what you mean...i dont see the set programs as default anywhere while navigating the add/remove programs window. maybe you meant something else...:confused:
  5. Rahul

    Porn on MSN?

    winston, how can you turn off messenger service?
  6. Rahul

    Is software the ultimate subject?

    re: Is software the ultimate subject? no. it sucked.
  7. Rahul

    COMP115 ass3

    good news for all! assignment 3 is out! :D looks like a major pain in the ass. we have about a month to do it tho...
  8. Rahul

    School friends vs. Uni friends

    school friends way better, uni people suck
  9. Rahul

    msn's "x new email messages"

    hmm...where/how do i do that? edit: i went to mozilla preferences, and mozilla is already my default browser.
  10. Rahul

    so what do you think about uni?

    2hrs one way? that is major suckage...
  11. Rahul

    msn's "x new email messages"

    i use mozilla as my preferred browser. the little link on top of the msn main window that takes you to your inbox directly opens up internet explorer and goes through there. now, i was wondering if there was any way of it just using mozilla, instead of ie. thanks.
  12. Rahul

    religion textbooks

    between excel and macquarie, better to get the macquarie... although, as snapperhead mentioned, it is a very good idea to use the syllabus and a solid text as the basis for your notes.
  13. Rahul

    religion textbooks

    i think i received bits of it too when i did sor last yr. but my teacher was a bit tight in letting us have a copy, so he just used to hand out sheets/b'lets of the stuff we did, as we were doing it.
  14. Rahul

    I want moneys...

    you can do that here can teach fob's english and make $$ a friend of mine would have been gettin $25/hr for a for apple, b for bat, c for cat, etc.
  15. Rahul

    religion textbooks

    i used a couple of texts and then study guides. dont know the names of them, coz they are in a box in the garage:p but i think they were living religion and sudies of religion(??..not sure, it was pretty chunky). also i used the study guides, the macquarie guide wins hands down.
  16. Rahul

    what do u wanna be?

    when i grow up i want to be a moderator... lol *old memories of hsc + bos* :p
  17. Rahul

    How to join pdf's

    jaws pdf editor, search it on google. its pretty good, but comes with a trial period.
  18. Rahul

    Econ110 Assignment

    someone asked the same question in my tute. the lady said 500 words for the whole thing.
  19. Rahul

    accg100 assign.

    tutor didnt really say anything...i might have missed it, since i went in late. he didnt ask for it tho. edit: also, coz i bought my generic skills book second had, it had the answers in it. :p
  20. Rahul

    comp115 assignment2!!

    lol, that was funny! i use one of the forums there...but not like that! :p very naughty!!! :D