Search results

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    no future career?

    If you get first class honours (distinction), #1 you are stupidly smart and moreso dedicated, #2 you can walk into any place and get a job. Aero's no Civil, but there are enough jobs going around if you look hard enough.
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    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    "I'm A Goat's" are playing with Junto and Mammal on the 1st. If you can work out what's the day after, and know that bands are usually pretty crap at making secret names, you're in for one of the better gigs of the year. Mammal are also fucking awesome. I know at least two people on this...
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    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    It's fixed now for results just yet though. Fuckin'!
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    We're all going on a... SUMMER HOLIDAY! (Chatter thread)

    I was looking forward to a summer off, but got a job offer just before the end of semester. Snowy Hydro River Scheme - here I come. Money is almost better than bludging.
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    StuVac & Exam Period Bitch and Moan Thread (II, 2006)

    When do the results normally get released? I've got the 13th of December in my head for some reason. And not the date it gets sent out.....
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    U2 last night

    I have a friend who lives across the river, he heard it. A nice southerly must have been blowing....
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    U2 @ Telstra Stadium 11.11.06 audio recording

    Why? What am I doing wrong? The only reason it's looked down upon is because retards who have come before me decided it'd be a good idea to make money from it. Many artists support the freely avaliable gigs I have, and I have been in contact with a fair few of them.
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    U2 @ Telstra Stadium 11.11.06 audio recording Get to downloading! Listen to the gig. Again. Tell me what you think......
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    Relationships suck!!!!

    lol Icelandic
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    civil enginerring (project engineering and management)

    1. Not much of a difference, project management gets more into the wanky financial crap. Either way, you can change after you know more about it... 2. Any Civil Engineering job is in more demand then any other job right now, even nursing doesn't compete. You have to be demented not to get a...
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    Bands you MUST see before you die

    Another "name your favourite band" thread. A lot of the above are good in the studio, crap live, coming from somebody who's been to >100 gigs.... Meh.
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    Relationships suck!!!!

    No point in bring yourself to the level of others. The Butterfly Effect are good though....ha Dobar dan to you :D
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    Relationships suck!!!!

    Are you serious? Because you can't be yourself, they suck? I recently ended a relationship in which I was cheated on, but do they suck? No. Suck it up.
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    StuVac & Exam Period Bitch and Moan Thread (II, 2006)

    Monday's always my day off, with tuesday the 'meh, should do something' day. Today was good though, had a job interview, then got a phonecall later on in the day from Snowy Hydro (different people to the earlier) saying they accepted me for vaccation employment. Awesomeness.
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    What was the last CD you bought?

    Deftones - Saturday Night Wrist One of the best albums of the year.
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    Tenacious D - New album + tour!

    I shall be at the horden.
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    most angry songs

    Hatebreed :)
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    Mars Volta tour

    And their sideshow the day after. I was the person who recorded their sideshow, there's a torrent of it floating around the net. Or on comatorium, or whatever it's called.
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    AFI Tour '06

    Hmmm. I'll emo it up and go. Why not.
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    Mars Volta tour

    I've seen them 3 times, and I'll never see them again. All times were utterfly frustrating, when I wanted music and entertainment, they gave me 10 minutes of one single note, which is apparently skill. Of course elitist fans will tell you otherwise. Meh.