Oh. Thanks for the reminder :D
I have on my calander that it's due tommorow, whether or not that's true I don't know, it was done a couple of months back :P
You pay it at the student office, bottom floor of carslaw, where the big lineup will be tommorow.....
As in that piece of software and handing in the assignments and what's expected of you....
It may have changed by now, but it was a bit of a bitch (not the content - I got my only D in that subject :P)
There are no rumours. Search the thing in google and you'll get the offcial site with all the bands.
And this thread has already been done on this board.....
On a side note, Dredg, Thirce and Deftones make this very much worth the admission price.
Aug 8 Entertainment Centre Brisbane, AUS
Aug 10 Superdome Sydney, AUS
Aug 12 Rod Laver Arena Melbourne, AUS
Aug 14 Entertainment Centre Adelaide, AUS
Early bookings.
From the people I know who have done it - it's not worth it. They didn't like it and there's no need to do it at all. And it has Ron Johnson or whatever his name is. And he's annoying.