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  1. Sarah J

    Receptionist work on offer

    I also look after a mentally disabled girl named Stephanie twice a week (this weekend though I'm looking after her all day Sunday too though). It's excellent money: $23 an hour, and $30 on a Sunday.
  2. Sarah J

    i know its prob been asked before BUT... any buffy fans?

    Shame on you all (cept for Chris, Minai and Snakeoils)!!! Buffy kicks arse. That's all I have to say. :D
  3. Sarah J

    Receptionist work on offer

    Lol hun. I actually have 4 jobs. Hence the reason I changed my mind about applying.
  4. Sarah J

    ISP Topics?

    My question was: How do people perceive God in the 21st Century? It was soooooooooooooooo simple. I did it the night before. lol. 60/60. Simple. And it was pretty bloody good, too. Dogma is the best movie. I cannot belive the Church were telling people to boycot it. It is so not anti-church.
  5. Sarah J


    I reckon it should be survivor Middle East. lol. fun fun fun. And both the guys and girls are pissing me off already. The guys are such schauvanists, and the girls are too....... well, the washing their underwear rather than building shelter seems to sum them up. lol. And I feel so...
  6. Sarah J


    Sorry hun, banks aren't open on Saturdays. ONly those bendigo banks are, but they're only open til 12.
  7. Sarah J

    Min Wage for 18yr old?

    Fuck that. seven bucks is not worth getting out of bed for. tell them to stick the job.
  8. Sarah J

    24...Jack Bauer

    Yeah, but who said that those photos and the meetings were recent. They were taken before she went to jail over a year ago. Like I said, it would've taken ages to plan something this big. Now I'm gonna go before I sound like even more of a nerd. lol.
  9. Sarah J

    Anyone going to tafe?

    MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. I'm doing Tourism (International retail) this year. Then I'm going to uni next year to do something completely different. Don't ask me why. I've just always wanted a year off before uni. I was supposed to travel, but there was that whole money...
  10. Sarah J

    Blacktown UWS...who and what ?

    I'm going to Penrith. I wanted to transfer to Blacktown, but then realised that one of the main parts of the course I wanted to do wasn't offered there, so I'd have to go to Penrith anyway. *sigh* Penrith is so far. :mad1:
  11. Sarah J

    24...Jack Bauer

    Maybe it was from before she was in gaol. In the last ep the reason she was kept alive was cos she told Jack that the people she works for are bigger than just Dreyson and all that. And something as big as blowing up a city would take many months to plan.
  12. Sarah J

    Receptionist work on offer

    lol. Sweet. Has the ad already come out in the papers? I don't wanna ring up and sound all psychic, you know? lol.
  13. Sarah J

    Receptionist work on offer

    OOH! Don't anyone apply- I want it!! lol. Do you need to know how to type properly? cos I can type fast in my way, but can't do that damn touch typing with my fingers on the asdfjkl; lol. Is it time and a half on sundays?
  14. Sarah J

    michael moore

    Love Michael Moore. Loved the Awful Truth. I thought it was so funny, and yet was so true. I liked the ep where he had those throat cancer victims sing carols to the tobacco companies :D I finished reading Stupid White Men and thought it was hillarious. Haven't seen Columbine yet, but I'm...
  15. Sarah J

    media and communications

    UTS is better than U Syd for communications. UTS and Charles Sturt are the best places to go for those courses. Apparently they're looked upon more highly.
  16. Sarah J

    Who would do it allllllllllllll again??

    lol. If I couldn't be bothered putting the effort in last year, how would I even muster up a teeny tiny bit to go through all that crap again?! :P Plus, I've got enough junk mail from the BOS and UAC for one lifetime, thank you very much. ;)
  17. Sarah J

    Look at moiye

    well, this season's over, so you'll have to wait for season two. I think it used to be on Thursdays. I thought it was hillarious. And, sadly, I actually *do* know someone who talks like that. Pretty sad. She says some words instead of others, says stuff like, "Aww, I weally don't lawk that."
  18. Sarah J

    Management in tourism at UTS

    Same here :D I got 74.1. woops, shoulda studied ;) But yeah. It looks interesting. I'm not phased if I don't get in. Other courses in other places, and besides, I'm gonna do the TAFE course this year.
  19. Sarah J

    Bands that you hate

    Yeah, what with all his, *ahem* "bling bling" and whatever other wannabe-ghetto slang crap he vomits out. lol. I really hate Hoobastank though. They sound like everyone else. And I hate Insane Clown Possie (sp?). What a bunch of wankers. The Vines are way too over rated. They brought back...
  20. Sarah J

    The Amazing Race

    Well, errr.......yeah. They were gay. lol! But I hated them too. Not because they were gay, but because they were morons! I didn't get to watch the 2nd series, but I'm into this series, whenever I remember to actually watch it, that is.