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  1. Sarah J

    Raw Mark Range

    I know what you mean. lol.
  2. Sarah J

    about the personality and 'or'

    are you sure? Cos I wrote a really good answer that would normally get me full marks, but I wrote on ancient and modern sources.
  3. Sarah J

    Raw Mark Range

    since I screwed up the aggie section I have no idea. I wish we could get the papers back with our marks written on each thing, because we don't get to find out how we went in each particular section, do we? Or even the exam by itself?
  4. Sarah J


    yeah, what was up with that?? luckily I was able to answer the Mycenaean section instead.
  5. Sarah J


    yeah, well leave me alone- I'm only a child! :D plus, I had a whole 3 hours of sleep. Actually, I think I'm exaggerating- it was more like 2 and 1/2. I lay in bed for hours counting sheep, and other shit, the tried that whole warm milk thing. crappoli!
  6. Sarah J


    wow. well done. you were right. Only it was in the additional section :mad1:
  7. Sarah J


    Well, I thought I did alright (excpet for sparta) until I came out of the exam and found out that part C of the Agrippina essay was NOT "assess the interpretations of the ancient and modern scholars" as I thought it said (I was like "woo!" same as my trial), but it was "assess the...
  8. Sarah J


    I reckon Sparta will have something to do with religion. I hope hope HOPE Agrippina has a question on the sources and their portrayal of her. In the exams we've had that question I've been getting 11/12. I think the same as you for A & JCs. Though I hate Tiberius. He's too boring to study...
  9. Sarah J

    has anyone read scullard and understand what he's saying?

    lol. Sounds like someone wants to sound smarter than he really is. I bet he just made those words up for the book. He couldn't think of anything to write, so he put in some fancy-shmancy "latin" (or his version of it). And yes, I'm hella stressed too. It's actually the only subject I care...
  10. Sarah J

    A Printing Error In Question 8!!! Question Wont Count!!!

    hmm... seemed OK to me.... but then again, that's me :D
  11. Sarah J

    Are you working during the summer break b4 uni?? if so ... where??

    hehe. That would be fun to be one of those people in the funny hats that chase after the balls at the tennis. Every year they crack me up :D I'm going to be working a GBs these hols, but I also work every Saturday night at Civic Video and I also have a baby sitting job that's pretty regular...
  12. Sarah J

    Ancient Papers

    you go to your user cp, then go to profile, or something like that. play around with the button until you come to the avatar section. then you can upload a pic from your comp or hosted on the net.
  13. Sarah J

    who here makes up sources/quotes?

    lol. I've made up some sources. It's fun to make up funny names for them. Usually though, I just forget who said something, and so I just try and use a common source's name that I haven't used in the essay yet.
  14. Sarah J

    Whats so bad about...

    lol. I got mine today, and when I saw the second question I just laughed. lol. Cos I understood all of....ZERO words in that! lol.
  15. Sarah J

    Wot do u think u will get for ur UAI

    hmm.... realistically? I'd love something in the 70s-80s. I don't want to think above that because I hate setting myself up for disappointment. I'll probably end up with a mark in the 30s though knowing my luck :D . lol.
  16. Sarah J


    not sure, but maybe this site has some info for you.
  17. Sarah J

    Ancient Papers

    you mean my avatar? lol. Isn't she a funky little thang?! I stole her off someone from another forum. :devil:
  18. Sarah J

    Egypt to sparta

    I do Sparta. I have no idea how I'm going to study for it though. Probably just go through the syllabus and focus on the things I'm not sure about.
  19. Sarah J

    HSC Advice Line - What Do You Think?

    well, the first time I rang for ancient, the guy wasn't very helpful. He kind of just read through the text book with me. He was really nice though, so I feel bad saying somehting bad about him. The english lady was really helpful though.
  20. Sarah J

    Beginners Italian

    lol. You and your "paid for" marks. You realise that you had to actually learn and take in the stuff your tutor taught you.......;)