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    some faculties give supps but most don't nowadays, except for 3rd or 4th years subjects i think. check the faculty/school website for more details...
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    entry req. for architecture

    archi students are always so goddamn busy
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    general UNSW chit-chat

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    a quick...

    quite a lot of shops are open
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    a quick...

    opens everyday until 12 and yes, it gets packed
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    No More UNSW:Asia

    werd up dawg
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    UAI needed for optometry

    i'd assume you'd still need a fairly decent uai to start off with wouldn't u?
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    No More UNSW:Asia

    hey bitches!
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    a huge tree in the library lawn just got pwned by the wind overnight, but sadly it did not destroy any buildings... was hoping it'd demolish the morven brown building. SES workers were there in the fkn heavy ass rain today trying to cut the trree up into small bits :D fun times
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    UAI needed for optometry

    theres a course at usyd called orthoptics that's around 80uai last time I checked... maybe give that a looksee
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    UAI needed for optometry

    it's always hovering around the mid-high 98s to low 99s
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    GENS6033 HIV & Other Unconquered Infections & GENM0701 Contemporary Bioethics

    I did HIV during summer and got 99%. Very easy, not a lot of reading/time required, a few posts per week should get you full marks. I never actually watched the DVD or read the book...
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    maths 1a

    have fun working at maccas once you graduate the pay for engineering is good, its starting pay for most streams will probably be about 50-55k in a few years, which ranks very high among other degrees
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    maths 1a

    quite a few dropped out in first year... i'd say maybe 30 out of 150 dropped out in first yr civil eng
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    The UNSW bus queue at Eddy Ave

    Man those old bus queue guys are so agro.
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    lockers at uni, pref upper campus

    wow people still use raincoats?!
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    To all the engineers out there...plz help

    unsw does have a better engineering faculty than usyd and uts (the faculty was ranked quite high in the world too). although, i wouldn't base my choice on that fact alone. usyd and unsw are both good unis that would give you as much chance to find a job as any other uni, so it all comes down to...
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    Whats the best engineer course?

    yeah do mechatronic - a bit of mechanical eng, a bit of electronic eng (which may or may not be similar to electrical eng)
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    To all the engineers out there...plz help

    also depends on the level of intelligence of your current year... or if the school is generally good from previous years
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    To all the engineers out there...plz help

    i wouldn't call any uni degree interesting. engineering is a pain in the ass, especially if you fall behind.