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  1. cuppy

    Dark vs Milk vs White Chocolate

    dark chocolate is only good with cherry ripe
  2. cuppy

    This Year's Fashion Has Been Really Shit, Why Doesn't Anyone Else Agree?

    the WORST quality clothes are from tightrope. they shrink in the wash and lose their colour after only one wash. explains why their stuff is so dirt cheap.. i hate the slogan tee's which are flooding the stores at the moment.
  3. cuppy

    Home and Away

    i suspected the priest too! or viv's husband. OR maybe the new guy at the diner who Irene doesn't like.
  4. cuppy

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    there is a writer's strike in Hollywood which is why so many shows are having abrupt 'season finales' eg prison break, heroes, house etc. they say the strike could go on for months so who knows when all our fav shows will return =O
  5. cuppy

    Home and Away

    i heard Johnny Cooper is coming back next year. and Jazz.
  6. cuppy

    yumm... studying snacks....

    nutella does the trick
  7. cuppy

    Australian Idol 2007

    i think he will do well regardless. i was shocked too since he was the runaway favourite...but the runners up still find success anyway. nat is cool as well so its not like matt deserved to win it more than could have gone to any of them.
  8. cuppy

    Dark vs Milk vs White Chocolate

    top deck cos its got both milk chocolate and white chocolate xD
  9. cuppy

    Australian Idol 2007

    pretty ironic coming from Martyno1
  10. cuppy

    Veronica Mars (aussie Airing)

    WHAT HAPPENED they replaced VM with the wedge before even airing a single episode...i was so crushed =[
  11. cuppy

    how do you write fast and legibly in eng exams

    you don't notice the pain as much in the exam - you are too stressed out your brain doesn't have time to register that your hand is dying and so you keep writing. there isn't a secret to writing fast. it just differs between people but certainly the more you practice the more you can improve...
  12. cuppy


    maybe he had a thing for Harry..
  13. cuppy


    no - it never crossed my mind during the series so i was stunned to hear the news. i did think it was strange that such a great wizard like Dumbledore never had a wife or any kids.... but him and Grindelwald??! :eek: :eek: :eek: :spam:
  14. cuppy

    Industrial chem or shipwecks?

    industrial. you get to make soap and the content isn't that hard to learn.
  15. cuppy

    Left Handers

    i've never had any problems except for all of the ink smudging onto the side of my hand. i'm surprised i haven't suffered from ink poisoning.
  16. cuppy

    Foods that make you go 'eww'...

    the pickle in mcdonalds cheeseburgers sushi
  17. cuppy

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    well so its all been announced now...6 weeks
  18. cuppy

    Sulfuric Acid!!!

    yeh thats about it. maybe know the equations as well because they 'describe'/represent the ionisation.
  19. cuppy

    Holiday Season Jobs(Christmas)

    David Jones is looking as well.
  20. cuppy

    Veronica Mars (aussie Airing)

    cool. i hope they resume showing it from where they last stopped.