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  1. cuppy

    Prison Break (Australian tv followers - no spoilers)

    its sarah's head *cries* noooo :(:(:(
  2. cuppy

    Unconventionally Attractive Celebrities

    excuse me??! o.O
  3. cuppy

    Skinny jeans

    that would be a bit awkward going to supre and trying on girls jeans
  4. cuppy

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    wow 200L
  5. cuppy

    travelling to unsw

    esp if you live at narellan! since its not really close to any train stations.
  6. cuppy

    travelling to unsw

    it takes me 1.5-2 hrs to get to unsw so that can be up to 4 hours of transport each day (i have 5 days...). you do get used to it but its just annoying.
  7. cuppy

    Skinny jeans

  8. cuppy

    Schools in the fairfield cabramatta area

    there have been incidents at all schools even the selective ones like Hurlstone (didn't the principal sell school furniture on ebay?) but we can't expect schools to be perfect i think there will always be a few 'bad eggs'
  9. cuppy


    haha harry has bacne?
  10. cuppy

    Text with unknown author?

    my teacher told me the same thing but i didn't end up using the article in the hsc. i guess if you are really concerned you can always draw a name out of thin air the markers won't have a clue.
  11. cuppy

    So ...... how are u gonna study for phys ??

    have every dot point covered revise notes, textbooks until the content sinks in and look up something if you do not understand past papers obviously i know its all typical exam prep which applies for all subjects but there are no hidden secrets to doing well. if you know your stuff...
  12. cuppy

    2 weeks of HSC cram ... what is possible?

    careful you don't burn yourself out!! 2 weeks of intense studying can take its toll. 2 weeks is sufficient if you plan and modulate your study hours.
  13. cuppy

    Finshed notes--> whats next?

    i guess reading them and making sure you have a sound understanding of everything would be a good approach. so if there is anything you are unsure of you can look it up or ask so you will be completely prepared come exam time. also spead the past papers over a period of time so you get...
  14. cuppy

    Official Youtube Thread

    lol i love the hp puppet pals =p
  15. cuppy

    How do you get rid of stupid mistakes?

    its actually good that you are making mistakes now so if a similar question comes up in the hsc you will be like 'HA i remember getting this wrong before' and you will be extra cautious not the repeat the same mistake. so yeh, doing as many questions as possible would be the best chance of...
  16. cuppy

    Interior Architecture at UNSW? or Bach. Design COFA

    i have a friend who is doing first year interior architecture at UNSW and she is constantly complaining about the intense workload. like you she was torn between interior design at UTS and interior architecture and UNSW! shes now thinking of deferring to do something else because the course...
  17. cuppy

    Prison Break (Australian tv followers - no spoilers)

    season 3 looks GOOD :D
  18. cuppy


    voldemort still loved - loved himself.