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  1. tanjin

    Modern History Help?

    Have you had a look through the resources section? I did Russia, I remember everything, but I can't be bothered to explain anything. :o
  2. tanjin

    Any tiPs? for a year 10 going to year 11 ?

    I think what hfis was trying to say was that don't go shit crazy studying in Year 11 because NONE of the marks you gain in Year 11 count towards Year 12. Just create and maintain a steady study pattern and you'll be fine. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. tanjin

    So how many days do you spend in uni per week?

    Make that 4 hours per week. I don't got to my lectures anymore.
  4. tanjin

    anyone else think this is unfair?

    The previous dart, would have tested you on both the main roads & quiet roads aswell, so quit bitching.
  5. tanjin

    Statistics for Business OR Introduction to Economic Methods?

    Really? My accounting tutor said Stats is much more difficult. I have no idea about which unit too choose. :(
  6. tanjin

    So how much did you pay for your books this sem.?

    I don't find it difficult, the concepts are easy to grasp but its just incredibly boring and my lecturer is absolutely horrible.
  7. tanjin

    So how much did you pay for your books this sem.?

    I'm at Campbelltown. My tutor is Rada Massingham and the lecturer is Dorothea (Forgot the last name :o) Marketing sucks, so far. :mad1:
  8. tanjin

    So how much did you pay for your books this sem.?

    Both my lecturer & tutor for Accounting are awesome, so that's probably why I enjoyed it as much as I did. I agree on the BAS thing, I most likely will forget. Considering we dont have any classes for it, I tend to ignore it. The quiz was easy, so was the mywritinglab stuff! :D You're so lucky...
  9. tanjin

    So how much did you pay for your books this sem.?

    You didn't get the co-op discount? I hate Marketing. I'm really enjoying Principles Of Economics & Accounting Information for Managers, and BAS is just so easy! How about you?
  10. tanjin

    So how much did you pay for your books this sem.?

    I don't think so, because when I bought my book the dvd hadn't arrived yet, so they told me to come and get it in the first week. Meh.
  11. tanjin

    So how much did you pay for your books this sem.?

    Did the price for the BAS textbook increase? It was $109.95 without the discount when I bought my books.
  12. tanjin

    The Official "I GOT THE JOB!!!:D:D" Thread

    Monday through to Saturday = $11.65 Sunday = $14.30
  13. tanjin

    So how many days do you spend in uni per week?

    3 days. 3 hours each day. :D
  14. tanjin

    The Official "I GOT THE JOB!!!:D:D" Thread

    Working on the registers at Bunnings is a horrible job. Working on the floor is much better. :)
  15. tanjin

    So how much did you pay for your books this sem.?

    :eek: Was this after the discount?! My books cost me a total of $413.80 after discount. :)
  16. tanjin

    Question regarding my studies...

    There'd be no point in me lying here. He's getting credits and distinctions, which says more than enough.
  17. tanjin

    Question regarding my studies...

    Seriously, I know so many people who are doing commerce & engineering degrees now without having done any math subjects at school and they're doing extremely well. If math is your weakest subject and it wont end up counting towards your uai, drop it and save yourself the trouble.
  18. tanjin

    balancing HSC and job

    10 hours or less per week is easy enough. I had 5 days of school followed by two days of work (9-6). When I needed a break, my manager gave me the Sunday shift and then prior to and through the hsc exams I took a few months off. :)