Search results

  1. tanjin

    Statistics for Business OR Introduction to Economic Methods?

    I haven't enrolled in any of the Spring Session units yet, however while waiting for my Student ID card today, the lady at the Student Centre told me to enrol for Semester 2 units as soon as possible. I have to choose between Statistics for Business OR Introduction to Economic Methods as my...
  2. tanjin

    Want to study ahead in Maths General Preliminary

    Excel HSC Study Guide for General Math is pretty good. :D I used it, it helped me.
  3. tanjin

    Sibling rivalry

    My brother made it easy for me. :D
  4. tanjin

    Timetable Problem

    Nah-uh! :( (I like both) but yeah, a transfer to B Business & Commerce/B Laws is what I'm aiming for. :D
  5. tanjin

    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: Textbook Help!!! Cambridge for math. :D
  6. tanjin

    Timetable Problem

    B Business & Commerce (Accounting) Would've done Law with it if I hadn't stuffed up my preferences. :o
  7. tanjin

    Timetable Problem

    I read it very carefully and for MY course it says that I MUST register for lectures. I assumed it was the same for all courses.
  8. tanjin

    Timetable Problem

    Your lectures aren't showing on tutorial registration because you haven't registered. You need to be registered for lectures. Like I said before, you'll just have to email the unit co-ordinator.
  9. tanjin

    Timetable Problem

    How did you get those times? Weren't you the one who selected the tute and lecture you wanted to go to? You'll probably have to contact the co-ordinator for that unit to work something out. Another thing you could do, is not attend that lecture (provided that you get the lecture notes off the...
  10. tanjin

    can you give a good estimation if my UAI? i am DESPERATED!

    No, because you don't have your marks. It really is TOO EARLY to tell. The more you worry about this, the worse your result will be. Just fucking study and own your tests/assessments.
  11. tanjin

    Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire appreciation

    They only have the first 4 Seasons. I can't find the 5th & 6th seasons. :(
  12. tanjin

    How much weekend homework do you have?

    Re: 2009ers: How was your school day? lol. So calming.
  13. tanjin

    can you give a good estimation if my UAI? i am DESPERATED!

    It's too early to tell, especially without any marks. Just keep studying! :D
  14. tanjin

    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    I did Away in year 9. It sucked.
  15. tanjin

    Coleridge! need advice on something..

    So many people don't realise that you don't always need to discuss the similarities in order to link each text. You can link texts by contrasting & comparing one with the other.
  16. tanjin

    English is a waste of life.

    Re: Anyone else hate English as much as me? My Year 8/9 English teacher was the best I ever had. I didn't get her for Adv. English or EE1, but I was lucky enough to have her for EE2 in year 12. :D
  17. tanjin


    You don't have to do high scaling subjects in order to achieve an outstanding UAI. If that's what you think, then you are an idiot.
  18. tanjin

    15 units for prelimary course

    I did Accounting at Tafe as well and we were told to do 14 units so, that if you don't like tafe, you can drop it and still have enough units to continue. I was sure that I was going to stay with accounting so after the first week, I was allowed to drop another subject. This rule usually...
  19. tanjin

    Wet dreams plus beastiality

    That's really icky. :(
  20. tanjin

    Casual / Part-time Jobs

    Well, I didn't actually ask for Sunday shifts specifically. I told her that I was feeling too tired, so all I want is one shift a week - Don't care whether it's on a Saturday or Sunday. She gave me Sunday because I cost less. If you word it right, you might be just as lucky.:D