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  1. W


    Here fridge... 擱淺 | Ge Qian | Stranded 詞: 宋建彰 Ci: Song Jian Zhang Lyrics: Song Jian Zhang 曲: 周杰倫 Qu: Zhou Jie Lun Lyrics: Jay Chou Translation: Sighzzzzz - 久未放晴的天空 依舊留著*的笑容 jiu wei fang qing de tian kong / yi jiu liu zhe ni de xiao rong The sky which has...
  2. W

    I have a 6mb zipped file that I would like to make available for download (help!!!)

    You can have it hosted temporarily try this site
  3. W


    shutup you two bum holes, they both suck :p...
  4. W


    NOT HAPPY MUMMA BEAR!!!! my eyes... ahhhhhh
  5. W

    google calculator guide?

    haha jm ur a google fan i swear LOL... every post is related to google :p
  6. W

    The Exam Timetable

    my ones soo packed soft/integral same day then psyc the next day then stats on saturday wtffff and then isys!
  7. W


    i like ur avatar mumma bear, that chick is impeccable man haha
  8. W


    don't underestimate me mate! :p
  9. W

    Economics USYD or UNSW

    That's UTTER BS!... how on earth can employment levels be measured through which tertiary institution u go to. This goes for every other course too, i think the most important thing is not which uni u go to, but what exactly did you learn out of it, and how well u can apply this stuff in the...
  10. W


    stop playing stupid... you knew all about it... ;)
  11. W


    yeah... the stem... *shakes head*
  12. W


    ahh i finished my flower picha yay! /edited, my uncle ellipsis doesnt approve so removed for now :D
  13. W


    hahaha so is our family day out to watch shark tales still on u nuggets...
  14. W

    hao le or wan le?

    HAHA :p... but jm said "I'm done for" i would more likely to say "warn yuen la" haha :p
  15. W

    Do you guys think that.....

    haha i forgot... but yea... well u do need to know your return character which is 13 if i dont' forget, and also it's good to know some of the general ones, i remember that i remembered what ACK and NACK was i think that's it, acknowledge and negative acknowledge i used those two ascii values to...
  16. W

    Do you guys think that.....

    Yes you do... sounds crazy, but they do ask you questions like that, i remember they asked a question about what's the ascii value difference between the Upper case of the alphabet and the lowercase alphabet.
  17. W

    Bit of a problem!

    Maybe be should just use the old trick, and act all different, do the things that she totally hates... and saying no to everyone she says.
  18. W

    Registry Issues!?

    I'd probably run a memory diagnostic utility to test out the ram... basically i'm more geared towards the memory as the cause, primarily because from what i've seen from others, and it's a memory factor, because it's bad memory, it writes itself to the SYSTEM.HIV file, and in some way i kind of...
  19. W

    Registry Issues!?

    heh you wanna know what's wrong with it? basically you probably have bad memory stick right now which is corrupting your SYSTEM.HIV file, so in a nut shell it will continue like this till you change it, in most cases it's memory issues, however it might be some other factor too... to recover...
  20. W

    HTML editor

    I didn't specifically state HTML did i? It could of been JavaScript too... or PHP, you're just a smart ass 'bud'!