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  1. SoCal

    should i consider a B economics?

    Although I am not enrolled in a Bachelor of Economics I have done all first and second year Bachelor of Economics courses. If you are wanting to get into the trade side of Economics then I would recommend you do Finance instead but if you are looking more toward policy analysis then I would...
  2. SoCal


    Always:). How do you know both of them, let alone both their names:p? I don't even know what my tutors name is but from your description I am assuming she is Natasha:).
  3. SoCal


    Well I can only speak of my tutor and as I have said before, yes she is very nice:).
  4. SoCal


    Hmm, not in my opinion. There is another girl that I think is the hottest and her name isn't Anna (I won't say her name on a public forum). However, there is another girl that comes close and another one I only just noticed a few weeks ago that is probably just as hot but I don't know them:(. My...
  5. SoCal


    No, I have never heard of the name. Should I have:)?
  6. SoCal

    crappy lectures/tutes/whatever

    OMG, Andrew Nadolny is the worst lecturer I have ever had. He literally doesn't know the course:rolleyes:.
  7. SoCal

    Easy Statistics Question.

    At least it is easy. I did all this stuff last year, I am just having trouble trying to remember it:p.
  8. SoCal

    Easy Statistics Question.

    Yeah, thanks heaps dude this was exactly right. After I read this I went back and I must have missed this: After reading that I understood it straight away. Thanks again:).
  9. SoCal

    crappy lectures/tutes/whatever

  10. SoCal


    Haha, there must be a mistake. There is no way I could have got 25/30:confused:! I didn't study at all and I have only read the first three chapters of the book:p. That is the same mark I got for the ACFI2070 mid-semester quiz and I actually studied for that test:o. They must have marked this...
  11. SoCal

    Easy Statistics Question.

    I have had a think about this for a while and it is obviously pretty easy because the book and lecture slides don't bother to really explain it but I can't seem to see where they get the answer from:o. I would ask my lecturer but I won't see him for a week and I really want to know:). Anyway...
  12. SoCal


    Of course he is better than Janet. You would be hard pressed to find a lecturer worse than Janet:p. That average mark is quite possible. As I said before, according to one of my mates who did the course in second semester last year, the average mark in one of the in-class tests was...
  13. SoCal


    Damn, there are so many subjects I want to do next year that I am having trouble deciding which ones to do. I think I am going to try and do five subjects each semester next year:eek:.
  14. SoCal

    crappy lectures/tutes/whatever

    Hmm, how do you know who I am? I didn't think you had established that yet:p. Haha, I didn't realise I was pulling a face:confused:.
  15. SoCal

    crappy lectures/tutes/whatever

    Oh there are far worse lecturers than Neil. What about ACFI2080 today? I am so used to Niel getting there late and then taking all day to get started that when the new lecturer actually started on time I was late:p.
  16. SoCal

    crappy lectures/tutes/whatever

    Haha, it's like don't get us started, hey:p?
  17. SoCal

    student questionnaire

    It took me twenty minutes but I actually thought about my answers, unlike you obviously:p. I didn't know what to write in those written answers though so I ended up complaining about the lecturers that I can't understand:D. Damn, I never thought to do anything like that:(.
  18. SoCal


    Haha, no-one could possibly be worse than James in my opinion. I have had him for the first half of ECON2520 and I only bothered to go to the first two lectures because it is a waste of time. He has a really bad accent, mumbles to himself, reads of the lecture slides and doesn't really explain...
  19. SoCal


    Bruce McFarling? He is an alright lecturer. I had him for one of my subjects last semester. He gets heaps into it:p. The bad thing about him is that he tries to made everything to simple that he just ends up confusing you, if that makes any sense, haha:p.
  20. SoCal


    Yeah, I am sick of all the repeated content in the different subjects:mad:! Haha, that is so true and something that me and my mates have comented on before:cool:.