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  1. T

    High failure rate with Accounting core units...?

    2B draws a lot on concepts in 1A and 1B, and thus you need to be extremely familiar with your journal entries. If you lack the basics or foundations, then it will be more difficult. 2B has a lot of journal entries you need to be able to do.
  2. T

    High failure rate with Accounting core units...?

    With 1A, the key is being consistent. It really covers the basic fundamentals of accounting, and emphasis is placed on being able to do debits and credits and manage the workflow from journals to ledgers etc. You need to do the work to do well, it comes with practice, just like maths.
  3. T

    Bus from Town Hall to UNSW

    And the X94 is really really quick. First stop is Kingsford though, so you'll have to backtrack a bit.
  4. T


    Just call me Tim (no need for the hyphens). It depends on your lecturer, I even guess that some of them don't use iLecture in order to encourage attendance.
  5. T

    Consecutive lectures

    If you plan to study the material in your breaks or whatever, possibly. With textbooks, its best not to carry them in your bag, it puts more weight on your shoulders. Just carry them in your arm because: 1. you look more intelligent 2. it builds up your arm muscles
  6. T

    Consecutive lectures

    Agreed. I used to walk up from Roundhouse to Biomed (2nd level.. ouch) for lectures. It's good exercise though. As for getting around, don't worry, after a few weeks you will get used to it. Try not to be too late for lectures, some lecturers hate it, and its very rude to walk in...
  7. T


    I believe it is known as iLecture. Essentially, lectures are recorded digitally and can be accessed from your WebCT course. Initially, the pilot rollout in 2004 covered only CLB, Matthews, Clancy and Biomed. In 2005, recording facilities were added to: Keith Burrows Theatre (KBT)...
  8. T

    Consecutive lectures

    So true. I walk up the Basser steps (and down) a few times a day last semester. Try Anzac Parade -> Quad -> Biomed -> Quad -> Biomed -> Matthews -> Anzac Parade
  9. T

    A question about B Com/B science combined

    Yes. I am one of them. There is nothing wrong with doing 'life sciences' with actuarial studies. Sure they may not be much of a link (if any at all), but I enjoy studying biology and chemistry, since I studied them in high school. It's not just about career prospects. And besides, I could...
  10. T

    A question about B Com/B science combined

    In UNSW (not sure about MACQ) you can combine Actuarial Studies with anything in science, provided you are undertaking the BCom/BSci course. I am completing Actuarial Studies and Biochemistry. Rare it may be, but its allowed.
  11. T

    Timetabling - Any tips?

    Maths tutes- like otheres mentioned, pick them so you have a break before to study for tests. I suspect you may be doing the maths for life sciences, I'm not sure how they operate. Bio labs - doesn't really matter. Early on in the week is usually better, get it over and done with Chem...
  12. T

    team unsw!

    name: tim degree: 3rd year commerce/science (2006) high school: st george christian school class of 03 subjects (semester 1 2006): ACTL3001, ACTL3002, BIOC3121 and 4th subject undecided. either BIOC3111 or ACCT2522 other: If you see a jersey saying timmy and its '03, then thats me...find me...
  13. T

    B Comm/B Sci --> B Comm?

    To obtain Part II qualifications, you will need to complete: ACTL4001 and ACTL4002 You need admission into the honours program to be able to undertake these subjects. In order to complete the honours program, you will also need to complete a thesis, ACTL4000 and ACTL4003 plus one other...
  14. T

    B Comm/B Sci --> B Comm?

    Part II qualifications will require you to complete actuarial honours at university, regardless of whether you are doing commerce or commerce/science. So 4 years (including honours) for BCom and 5 years (including honours) for BCom/BSci if you wish to obtain Part II. That aside, it sounds...
  15. T

    What to look for when buying a LCD??

    If you are looking for 19" or greater LCD screens, take a look at the Dell screens. The Dell LCD screens are very good. I'm running the 1905FP ultrasharp. The best thing is the price, which is very competitive- but you gotta wait for their occasional once-every-few-months 20% off including...
  16. T

    what do you personally do/recomend to keep your PC at it's best?

    1. I use Symantec Antivirus Enterprise Endition, its much better than your plan old Norton Antivirus. 2. A reformat would be nice, I used to do it once a year, but now i've got too much stuff. Too much stuff to backup. 3. Clean my computer every now and again (dust etc) 4. Use Adaware every...
  17. T

    Helpppp!!! Regarding accounting!

    I believe if you major in accounting, you tend to do accounting courses.
  18. T

    Question for Actuarial Students

    I for one, find actuarial challenging and that keeps me interested. Its not so much the money that made me do actuarial. I'm not saying don't take the money.. just keep in mind actuarial is not just about the money, you have to work hard to get there, and its not easy.
  19. T

    Question for Actuarial Students

    I feel for you. Unfortunately, its the way the system works. But I agree with you, the original poster has applied and been successful with getting the scholarship, yet he or she is not sure whether to do actuarial studies - it all depends on the money! You would think those getting the...
  20. T

    Computing for 1st yr Actuarial Studies

    I wouldn't worry too much. I was, and still am, a diehard Excel hater. Although I've come to love Excel in various twisted ways. If you want to do well, you should probably play with Excel a little bit. The most I can do is create graphs, add/multiply/subtract/divide one cell by another...