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  1. T

    Question about Science/Education

    You must complete a major in Science or mathematics for BSc and a major in Education consisting of Educational Theory and Teaching Methods for BEd. You are best off contacting the School of Education for further information. The rules aren't that simple. If you want to become a science...
  2. T

    Plans declaration??

    If you want, you can declare your major right now. I wouldn't bother. Wait a semester (or two) before you do it. Basically you just telling the FCE what major you are doing. In first year you are only doing cores anyway, so it doesn't matter.
  3. T

    UNSW Chemistry Bridging Course...

    Maximus: theres another thread. And SonyHK, FFS just buy the lab coat + goggles. If you do any chemistry/biology/life science subjects in university, it is a necessary item - you can't turn up without them, else you'll get booted out of the lab. As for selling them, I'm not sure if anyone...
  4. T

    Internet Access at UNSW

    I would probbaly be leaning towards an Unwired/iBurst plan. You will have Internet access in your room, and right across campus (without using uniwide). Assuming of course, that reception is okay. 1) ADSL shouldn't be a problem, if you have your own phone line. If you could find a cheap...
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    1) It depends. Usually my timetables are 4-5 days, so it doesn't make a difference. I think that if you live further away from the university campus, you would probably want to make your timetable more 'compact'. Any spare breaks you have can be spent hanging around, playing pool, going to...
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    bittorrent @ UNSW revisited

    Newbie: I understand your situation. However, I really suggest you stay away from BitTorrent for your distribution network, due to the fact that UNSW IT services frown upon anybody installing a BitTorrent client on the computer. I think that while technically you are not breaking any rules...
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    B Commerce Majors

    Not just insurance premiums. Otherwise you've summed it up well. I think you should read the following descriptions from the Handbook, as choosing a major isn't as simple as flipping a coin (well it shouldn't be). Actuarial Studies Actuarial Studies involves the application of...
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    over the credit limit

    Taking summer/winter geneds still counts towards the limit. Perhaps you'd like to post up your plan so we can see whats going on, along with the CPA stuff.
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    Making up 144 Units

    Yes. 144 units is how many units of credit you are meant to undertake, including gen eds etc. You are going to be first year, just enrol into the core subjects + one elective. No need to worry about gen eds, filling up the credit points etc... just sit back and relax.. you are only...
  10. T

    lab coats

    Yep. Go to the Matthews Arcade and there is a small newsagent, next to the pharmacy. You will find lab coats and goggles at the back. You're looking at around 20-30 for the lab coat, maybe 15 for the goggles.
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    over the credit limit

    The 144 CP includes the 12units Gened. I suggest you find a way to fit those geneds in, even if it means you have to skip a subject or two - at least you'll be able to graduate. As for going over the limit, you are not supposed to, but in the case that you do, I think you must pay full fees...
  12. T

    BCom/BSc first year subjects

    Finance and maths? Sem 1 ACCT1501 ECON1101 MATH1131 or MATH1141 FINS1612 Sem2 ACCT1511 ECON1102 MATH1231 or MATH1241 FINS1613 or MATH1081 I would recommend not doing MATH1081 in first semester, although you can if you want to. Doing one maths course first will give you a feel...
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    4 majors in com/arts?

    Quoted for the truth.:rofl:
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    So Lost With Course

    Okay. In that case with a psychology major, you are looking at (for enrolment) Semester 1 2006 ACCT1501 - Accting 1A ECON1101 - Microeconomics 1 PSYC1001 - Psychology 1A ECON1202 - Quantitative Methods A ECON1202 may possibly be replaced with MATH1031/MATH1131 or MATH1141 since you are...
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    So Lost With Course

    Yes. Go to the advice day - it will help. Since you are doing commerce/science chances are you will complete Micro and macro economics 1 in 2nd year, to make 'space' for science subjects, just like myself. Majors, you don't pick them yet, first year is doing standard core courses. 1 major...
  16. T

    Bcom/Bsc question

    No. Single major in Commerce, single major in science. You'll find that the program is short enough as it is.
  17. T

    UNSW commerce -- approx. how many students??

    1) I'd say from 800-1000. Micro 1 enrolment reached just over 1200 people in 2005. There are approximately 4500 undergraduate Commerce students. 2) No. But unless you are playing basketball on the whole courty by yourself, you can split the cost with those playing with you.
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    Consecutive lectures

    Technically no. Most CATS rooms (classrooms, lecture halls) have a no-food and no-drinks rule, but please feel free to ignore that, like thousands of other like-minded hungry students. In other words, yes you can eat in classes, although you are not supposed to.
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    Windows Live (Hotmail, MSN, etc..)

    So umm.. what is Windows Live all about? I'm a bit behind these days, I finally made the move to MSN7.0 about a week ago, up from 6.2. Thinking about it, I'd rather go back to MSN6.2 again.
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    UNSW Syllabus for B. Science [Biochem?]

    I am not sure what you are asking. Bachelor of Science is the degree, Biochemistry is a major or specialisation, a particular area of science which you wish to study. In order to attain this degree with Biochemistry major, you will need to complete a variety of subjects ranging from Maths...