Search results

  1. Protector

    Fun in SDD

    As a student for SDD I'd say this: - Interactive Examples for year 11 - Lots of Algorithms that they can relate to: eg. Getting up in the morning. Making a cake (recipies are always good examples) If you're doing Software Developers Approach to Hardware then - Explain how Binary...
  2. Protector

    c++ coding
  3. Protector

    Algorithm Help

    If you're doing it like that, why don't you just leave it as a button and get the button to load the forms... If its VB, its event driven, so use the buttons rather than using a timer to wait and re-ask a question...
  4. Protector

    whats everyone doing for their projects?

    I got 100% last year for the programming part in VB... The trick was to combine graphics to make it look good and create more than one simple function... My Assignment Included: - Splash Screen (prettyful) - Checkers - Othello/Reversi - Tic-Tac-Toe - Snakes and Ladders - Notepad...
  5. Protector

    Do any of you have total annihilation?

    Erm, TA is still played frequently at the LAN's a I visit... at 2-3am... :)
  6. Protector

    Updating drivers???

    There was some SiS Sandra thing about I think that posted/spammed all the information into one HTML document... Erm... *googles* That should do it... As for updating the drivers, as Frigid said, just go...
  7. Protector

    IE download window

    Arg, only thing left is Tools Internet Options Programs Reset Web Settings... Advanced Restore Defaults. And thats pretty much a reboot of the browser...
  8. Protector

    quote marks in linux

    ' " Press the quotation mark key then press space whilst on US English. Do the same with the single quotation mark... Side Note: Pressing Double Quotation Mark gives this and doing it once then space does this ". The first will stuff up programming. The second will work. :)
  9. Protector

    amd laptops

    My father has been using one for probably 2 years... its had no problems with cooling... It functions quite well and doesn't crash from overheating. Its bigger than the Celeron and Pentium Laptops we own, but smaller than my G4 iBook... The weight is pretty well balanced... So yeah...
  10. Protector

    linux media player

    Well, as for the MD, theres hope someone wrote something... so keep googling it :) There is Totem, sound and media player, with a playlist function. I think it supports WMA.
  11. Protector

    PC cases?

    Search about for Micro cases... I was also thinking the LCD Multimedia cases... If you want a smallish one get one of the Thermaltakes (or at least look at them), they've got some pretty decent cooling in them.
  12. Protector

    windows themes

    StyleXP : DameK UltraBlue looks excellent. Personally I'm a litestep user if I theme, but generally I don't bother.
  13. Protector


    I liked Eddings, Goodkind was excellent, but I must say after Faith of the Fallen I think it went downhill. If you want a break from the standard stuff get some Raymond E Fiest, its got a few twists in it that aren't quite as common as you'd expect... Kind of hidden though.
  14. Protector

    Extension 2 Bitterness

    To leave this as basically as I can, if no-one took opinions, the human race wouldn't exist. Take opinions, be open, take criticism, take the praise. You sound like a royal tard with it like that. If you can, rephrase it.
  15. Protector

    Microsoft Technical Interview Questions

    But damn... question 4 is easy... if I knew C then I think I could answer 3... And I agree with -X- Winston, that person's life is too easy =\
  16. Protector

    Winston Leaving?

    I myself am going away... as I presume many other of the school kiddies are... so the holiday is fine... but you're whole waving avatar kinda made me suspicious... =) Goodluck to you if you leave before I get back from holidays =) You too Huy.
  17. Protector

    Winston Leaving?

    I know others have probably noticed it on his title/rank thing... So whats the deal Winston... =(
  18. Protector

    Who's got a website?

    You mean when people type in half readable crap like they do in SMS's ?
  19. Protector

    Telstra users

    Anyone else got a Queue half a mile long?
  20. Protector


    How to become a beta tester...;en-us;33814