Ok I have this problem with my phone. I got my phone number ported from optus to three. Most people can call in, but some people can't (they get the old this phone number is disconnected message)
Any ideas?
ditto to that
but considering the only viable option to bigpond is iburst (correct me if i'm wrong)
I don't think you can surf on the go with unwired. Maybe if the threadstarter replied with something along the lines of "I'm going to use wireless for...", it might help a bit more :P
You're an idiot. So you're saying that because you've seen worse shit than this, that stoning a girl to death because you disapprove of her sexual relationships is alright?
but isn't the idea not to spend it? Like I mean, if you wanted to spend it, why don't you just ask 1 million to be deposited to your account?? Eftpos is way simpler.
I suppose the idea of getting wireless internet is to use it on the move, so I guess the OP doesn't want the desktop modem.
it gets worse the more you speed.
My friend got done for driving 134km/hr in a 90 zone. 6 month suspension + a hefty fine (i couldn't remember what it was, somewhere near the 600 dollar mark though)
Last time I had subway it was at Sydney near the town hall. Lol, tasted alright, I just cbf to figure out if my sub has X amount of fillings less than what I would have gotten if I went to *insert a different subway store here*.
^^ Alright, you had subway today, you're making me jealous. :p Oh I have uni tomorrow lol, too bad there's no subway near my uni, cbf going into wollongong lol. If they have subway at campbelltown i'll go get myself a sub tomorrow lol.
not really, I hate java
but the rests are c's (1), d's (2) and a hd.
Although I might have to lose the d subject as ITCS213 is a coresiquite of that subject. Still, a d average.