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  1. saladsurgery


    melbournian: VD!VD!VD!VD!VD!VD!VD!VD!VD! VD! VD! VD! VD!!!!!!!!! yeah VD!!!! enjoy yourself. and pull your phone out of the wall before you go to bed. the cleanup gets done. (seriously though, i think someone ought to pull that lot aside and remind them it more commonly stands for "venerial...
  2. saladsurgery

    B.O.W Help Needed! [Billboard/ Advertisement]

    as far as i know, there's no standard dimensions or proportions for billboards in ahstralia (or anywhere else). depending on the other components of your major work (of you have any, and their sizes etc), it might end up having to be a relatively small model. which is a pity, since one of the...
  3. saladsurgery

    No massive threads

    no way she's got a low post count and a recent joining date not to be trusted
  4. saladsurgery

    No massive threads

    ok now you're spelling with zeros
  5. saladsurgery

    Treatment of POWs

    oh goody. the fun never stops. a copy of what appears to be the full taguba report: it's worth reading, or at least skimming over. (found it through and
  6. saladsurgery

    Treatment of POWs

    what? that's stupid! but i'm too tired to construct an argument. (this being my, erm... 33rd hour without sleep). people should see stuff. and stuff.
  7. saladsurgery


    actually, yeah. good point the 3 people i live with, i met at college. it was a pretty good intro to living away from home, actually. well, there goes my 5-AM, 4-cups-of-coffee logic... oh well.
  8. saladsurgery


    eh, suit yourself i'm finding the whole house thing to be much preferable to college, so far
  9. saladsurgery


    i never had any textbooks as such. i found the best "textbooks" were just books about the artist(s) you are currently studying, and a copy of the syllabus to put it all in perspective. if your school has free printing, it'd probably be a good idea to get a copy of the syllabus and either bind it...
  10. saladsurgery

    Great places to eat and fun things to do near UTS

    for real the best in terms of cheapness would be newtown thai. fuckoff big plates for $5.50. there's a few ok indian places around there, too. or burgerlicious. best hamburgers. ever. and ice & slice for ice cream. but this isn't near uts really, so i'll stop.
  11. saladsurgery

    Who here is a pirate?

    hmmm i'll pirate software (and fonts -- yes, people pay for them!) out of necessity, but i feel bad about it (you would too if you'd spent hundreds of hours on designing something) no qualms about stealing from major labels, distributors, etc, but i feel crappy stealing music from the...
  12. saladsurgery

    Kill Bill vol 2

    whaaat? so much more character development in the second one!!! although gogo was very cool, stabbing a random japanese businessman in the chest doesn't make for a well-developed character!
  13. saladsurgery


    kid a is their best album. everything in it's right place blew me away the first time i heard it. i'd forgotten how good exit music (for a film) was until they played it on friday. does this thing have a jaw-drop smilie?
  14. saladsurgery


  15. saladsurgery

    Great places to eat and fun things to do near UTS

    eh, it's not that bad. rice can't kill you, and it fills you up. but yeah. i never eat anything from alice's except the rice.
  16. saladsurgery

    war snaps

    it's not a specifically anti-war photo -- it would mean different things to different people. it's just a really powerful image.
  17. saladsurgery

    war snaps

    look at this photograph. (Originally published in The Seattle Times. The photographer, Tami Silicio, has since been sacked from her job at Maytag Aircraft Corporation, which has a $US18 million contract to handle cargo for the US Government at Kuwait airport.)
  18. saladsurgery

    The Bastards!

  19. saladsurgery

    Kill Bill vol 2

    the music was excellent. dialogue was pure tarantino. as far as "too much bs" goes, you might have noticed that tarantino films aren't exactly the height of realism. and the cinematography in that particular scene was excellent. ...and bad fight scenes? i've got no idea what you're talking...
  20. saladsurgery

    which name do u call ya lecturers by??

    if i sir'd any of my lecturers, they'd explode. (never mind the fact that out of about 13 or so, only one is male) but to answer the question: first names only.