Search results

  1. saladsurgery

    2004 Biennale who's interested in going? i know i'll definitely be there, the 2002 biennale was amazing. at the moment I'm really interested in Lim Tzay Chuen's work A proposition. check out his website for details -- what does everyone think?
  2. saladsurgery

    Art masturbation

    nothing is created in a vacuum. i know for my hsc artwork i started with my own idea, but as it grew and changed i found other artists/designers/writers/whatever dealing with similar themes, it was helpful to look at their work, and see how they approached things, and possibly faced the same...
  3. saladsurgery

    Patricia Piccinini

    yeah, check out her website: she's got contact details on there, maybe you should try emailing her? Melbourne pop artist Ben Frost (he was in the 2000 sydney bienale, check him out) emailed me back after I asked him some questions about his work. If you're...
  4. saladsurgery

    Liberal is better than Labour

    yo from here.
  5. saladsurgery

    Sos need a concept

    whatever you do, don't produce work for the markers. first and foremost, make something you like if you're not happy with it, they'll never be.
  6. saladsurgery

    Starsky and Hutch

    it stole "do it" off me!!! i used to say that all the time, now i can't. good movie besides that though. trashy, but fun.
  7. saladsurgery

    Art in Communication

    Gamer: it's called B. Design (Visual Communication). this is seperate from other communications courses, it's in DAB (faculty of design, architecture and building). the only similarity is the name. that's what i do.
  8. saladsurgery


    ahahaha theatresports! a friend of mine does that, i keep meaning to go and check it out, and watch him make a complete fool out of himself infront of a crowd of random uni people!
  9. saladsurgery


    pick up the newest issue of honey soy (honi soit)!!! (there's an interesting (and quite well-written) article about colleges in there)
  10. saladsurgery

    *Funking clothes up*

    splash some weak bleach solution on your jeans! or some housepaint or something. or cut a small stencil and spray it on the back pocket or something.
  11. saladsurgery

    Organ donorship

    full organ donor, but i'm a little bit queasy about someone having my eyes. but i'm sure i'll get over it
  12. saladsurgery

    Forum Meetup

    no coffee, no beer? you're missing out. (well actually, coffee's turned into more of a dependancy now. 3 cups today, and i didn't even have uni. oh dear.
  13. saladsurgery


    every year the people who publish "design graphics" magazine do an australia-wide guide to courses within graphic/industrial/interior/fashion design, architecture, fine arts, media arts, etc etc. i'm not sure if it's out yet, but have alook in a decent newsagency (usually near where the UAC...
  14. saladsurgery

    case studies

    from memory: the female form through history, the "new british art" movement, eastern/western art and appropriation, art that's been physically attacked because of its content, and something else on australian critics.
  15. saladsurgery

    trying to find va syllabus

    plastics might work. i'm not sure what the rule on perspex is, off the top of my head... if you ring up the BoS, and they turn you down, don't definitely go with what they tell you, just cos they're from the BoS. sometimes they put you through to people who obviously don't know what they're...
  16. saladsurgery

    24 hour beethoven's 9th!

    attention experimental/classical music people: this. is. so. cool.
  17. saladsurgery


    although it's an awful stereotype, i tend to agree. that was one of the big reasons i left college -- everything's new and different at first, which is cool, but pretty soon it's the same crowd on the same nights, at the same venues, with the same (terrible) music.
  18. saladsurgery

    Royal Wedding: Who's gonna stay up?

    ahahahahaha i was drinking in the pub when this was on. we watched a bit, then got to talking about how much better sweden is than denmark. (1:30 am on a saturday morning, you know it's got to be quality television!)
  19. saladsurgery

    web comics!

    this isn't really reading as such, but most of em have words. does anyone here read online comics? i reckon everyone's seen at least one strongbad email. and some dude on this forum (can't remember who) had a white ninja comic as his signature. i don't think white ninja is very funny...
  20. saladsurgery

    enrol, suckers

    ok. there are alot more fucked things going on at the moment. but, if it turns out to be true, this is still fucked in it's own special way: i've heard from another source that the date for the federal election will be august 7th.