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  1. Asheroth

    Graduation Song

    Good Riddance and Graduation are both too overused. I suggest 'So Long And Thanks For All The Fish' from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy soundtrack :D
  2. Asheroth

    How often are people working?

    People who actually *type* the 'likes' into their sentences should be banned from EE2. Doubly so for the use of 'ma' instead of 'my'. I mean, ****, that's not even an abbreviation.
  3. Asheroth

    Moderation for EE2

    Goodo, thanks for that :p
  4. Asheroth

    Random facts about your stories.

    So far we've got a Japanese maple, an elm, and a pink euodia. Everyone break out the Yates...:p
  5. Asheroth


    Looks like she subscribes to the Mark Twain school of thought - if you see an adjective, kill it. I think it might just be an exercise to get you to be sparing with your use of adjectives. Seems a bit silly though; if you're going to limit something, limit adverbs. Mostly they're used when...
  6. Asheroth

    Moderation for EE2

    The first part of the system as I know it: 1. Your assessment marks are added up and the rankings established. 2. The person ranked first gets the highest exam mark as their assessment mark. So what you're saying is that after this step, the exam marks stay as they are, and the only...
  7. Asheroth

    Moderation for EE2

    So ordinarily, the primary function of your assessment marks is to determine ranking within your class so you can moderate the exam marks properly. Is this still the case with English Extension 2? I mean, your 'exam' mark is just the mark you get for your Reflection Statement and your Major...
  8. Asheroth

    Narrative History

    Jaques Derrida may or may not be useful. He's a deconstructionist, I think. Or a post-structuralist. I always get the two confused.
  9. Asheroth

    Good Scalers
  10. Asheroth

    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    Opeth, April 25 at the Big Top, Luna Park. Man that's gonna be awesome.
  11. Asheroth

    Assessment Task Weightings

    I like lots of little ones. That way, none of them are hugely difficult, and if you stuff one up it's not so bad.
  12. Asheroth

    A note on originality (my own 2 cents)

    Either that or the book of Ecclesiastes. King Solomon got there first, Tess :p Oh, and before you start worrying that I'm stalking you, I'm Andrew from the Philosophy res. It's OK, I haven't been trawling your profile for information, I just know your nickname from the Philosophy site :D
  13. Asheroth

    What do you think of the Biki?

    Re: What do you think of the BOS wiki? I love how it's styled to look exactly like Wikipedia.
  14. Asheroth

    How often are people working?

    You think you've got problems. EE2, History Extension, Drama, and at least one, possibly two for Music 1. Ah well :D
  15. Asheroth

    The 'What are you doing?' thread.

    Cat Orange: Have a look here for public domain stuff.
  16. Asheroth

    How often are people working?

    ...wracked with the pain and isolation of your pitiful meaningless existence? *wanders off singing 'At least you can take a small bit of comfort in realising that somewhere out there...'*
  17. Asheroth

    The 'What are you doing?' thread.

    The reason why you can't fully understand my idea is cos it's incredibly vague and nebulous. I discover new things about it every day. :p Cat Orange: Stealing characters is alright as long as the work is in the public domain eg. Conan Doyle's stuff is completely up for grabs...
  18. Asheroth

    Opeth fans?

    Ooh, ooh, me. Should be well awesome.
  19. Asheroth

    Distinction Courses

    I emailed the guy responsible for the website, and nobody's got their passwords for the site yet. He's away interstate so hasn't got around to it yet. Oh, and Time and Cause makes my brain hurt.
  20. Asheroth

    Favourite Poetry from Showcase(s)?

    I don't do poetry, but I really like Hawk from a Handsaw, especially the part with the big long sentence...can't remember all of it but the end is Didn't really have time for the other poetry in 2003. Didn't appeal to me as much at all.