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  1. G

    Any guesses what time the UAI will be released?

    A lot of people seemed sure that the HSC results would be released before the offical time and lo and behold they were... does anyone know if the UAI's will be released before official time and if so when? I heard the UAC server is quite slow so clocking on before the official time would no...
  2. G

    standard english

    i belive the band percentiles say that no-one got band 6 in standard english...
  3. G


    well my feelings are that the youth in Asia deserve every opportunity they can get...
  4. G

    Anyone doing BCom/BEc at UNSW?

    Stupid supply and demand. I'll show you.
  5. G

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    Well considering the last post was by me on the 17th, i would say that it had ended... that is, until you guys came along 4 days after the last post pleading for an end to the thread :p
  6. G

    Anyone doing BCom/BEc at UNSW?

    Well top of my preference list it BEc at UNSW, i'll just have to wait and see if my UAI will get me past the line.. who knows, especially the way the cut off UAI's for economics at UNSW and Sydney Uni keep rising in leaps and bounds....
  7. G

    Studying for 2003 hsc

    Yeah, i ignored the syllabus throughout the preliminary and HSC course and so learnt almost nothing because i thought i hated physics, but when i went through the syllabus dot points to learn them about a month before the HSC i realised that i actually liked physics! A bit late by then of course...
  8. G

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    healthy debate helps learning.. to those people who point out trivial isues, i did make clear it wouldn't be very efficient or the best answer... BUT... fancy statistics aside, even if 50.1% of wage earners are in the bottom 50% of the population and 49.9% of wage earners are in the top...
  9. G

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    btw, just to stir the pot a little, i did put (a) for 14 because it is the most correct answer, but i believe that (d) is also correct... Don't the bottom few quintiles have their incomes more commonly from transfer payments and wages, whereas the top few quintiles have interest, profits and...
  10. G

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    I cannot believe your logic philburt-frog. Ok, lets go to a simple example. If the quota (being the amount let in) is, say, 50 units but now we find that we have 60units coming into the country, how exactly would the quota have DECREASED???? It's (a) everyone. Der.