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  1. T

    Plz Hellpppp

  2. T

    y dont they ever reveal raw marks?

    one reason would be because it makes the system not look as good as they make it out to be edit: particularly for english
  3. T

    Official Assessment Ranks

    ?? your internal ranks can't improve now
  4. T

    Official Assessment Ranks

    This is exactly what i complained about, our new principal this year refused to give us our ranks which many teachers protested about, so there's no way to know if there are any mistakes.
  5. T

    What do you think you're going to get in SC?

    yes (if the trials aren't just past SC papers)
  6. T

    Is IPT your last exam?

    yes, IPT is my last exam :)
  7. T

    Say i dont get the UAI

    No, moderation of assessment marks has to do with student's internal rankings from your own school, not the entire state. UAI is the only thing that compares you to the rest of the state.
  8. T

    General Chatter

    Re: It's over! atleast for me >_> nice carlos....i still have 1 more exam :(
  9. T

    confused :s

    UAC uses raw marks and then they have their own scaling procedures.
  10. T

    Need help plz newbie here fob

    Move to advanced and if it proves too difficult for you then you can move back to standard. You have the opportunity to try advanced, might as well take it.
  11. T

    14 units!!!

    I did the most units at my school which was 13 and I would've done 14 but I ended up dropping Maths Ext. 1. My advice: just do it. I wish I did Classical Greek :(
  12. T

    which subjects are better?

    Don't drop any. Give it a term or so. If for some reason it becomes too much later on, drop the one you least like. For the record, it's IPT.
  13. T

    Has anyone started studying for Tuesday??

    if you do both then the one with the higher mark will count and the other disregarded (i think :p)
  14. T

    Can this happen???

    yes it is possible but that would imply that they did really shit internally and that their school did not perform that well as a whole in the exams
  15. T

    Who else got good luck emails from Univeristies

    yes from UNSW seeing that's the only uni currently on my preferences.
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    meh i forgot what a larnax is......
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    english hsc worth 100%

    doesn't make any difference
  18. T

    english hsc worth 100%

    how does that prove what you say is right ? Firstly being ranked 172/290 doesn't mean that her moderated assessment mark was shit, secondly you english mark isn't the only thing that will get you into arts/law @ UWS
  19. T

    english hsc worth 100%

    10-15 % isn't a significant difference