Search results

  1. T

    Equal 1st... what about HSC?

    hmm well our new principal refuses to give us our final rankings much to the protest of many teachers. If there are errors when rankings are released on that studentsonline website then we have no way of knowing.
  2. T

    What Subject Am I Better Off Keeping

    I don't think you really know what scaling is.
  3. T

    Better Start Studying Boyz!

    Good idea carlos !!!!
  4. T

    Creative Writing Ideas

    Awesome, I'm definately using that one!
  5. T

    raw mark to get 80's?

    I would guess that it would be more like 86-89.
  6. T

    Order of the course?

    Term 4 '05 Society - Minoans We had done Thera the term before. Term 1 '06 Core Term 2 '06 Period - New Kingdom Egypt to the death of Thutmose IV Term 3 '06 Personality - Hatshepsut I guess we sort of studied Period and Personality simultaneously as they are so closely related.
  7. T

    Which BoS member(s) gonna smash the HSC??

    me ofcourse, haha nah we will have to wait and see.
  8. T

    Practice Exams

    mine was the same
  9. T

    Major assesment results

    yes, it is out of 50, but your internal weightings still need to add up to 100% (of 50). You said the project was 10% (which is 5/50), trial 20% (10/50), an assess. worth 5% (2.5/50) and another assess. worth 15% (7.5/50). As you can see it only adds up to 25 marks out of 50. Maybe you meant...
  10. T

    Major assesment results

    that only adds up to 50%............
  11. T

    Rewards For Doing Well?? (and if the opposite happens..)

    well you're from adelaide your system is different......out of 20 stuff..........
  12. T

    Disadvantage Form

    yep the late closing date is 30th November and even after that you can apply directly to certain unis, but there's no guarantee it can be considered in time for Main Round offers.
  13. T

    Corruption? What's this I found

    they are implying that it was a scam and that the mods that posted were involved..........haha
  14. T

    Rewards For Doing Well?? (and if the opposite happens..)

    a car....hopefullly, or lots of money would be good :p
  15. T

    UAC "Apply by Web" Question

    you have until 4th Jan (for the Main Round) to finalise your just need to apply to UAC by 29th September.
  16. T

    Is It Just Me?? :-[

    If they accept it, yes.
  17. T

    class of 06. Post ur university prefrences

    I really don't know what I prefer. I want to do either B Engineering (Software) or B Science (Computer Science) combined with either B Commerce or B Science @ UNSW.........really can't decide which combination I would want the most.
  18. T

    Playing dumb or really smart

    now why didn't I think of this, I'd be rich :p
  19. T

    What UAI you reckon? nput here!

    comprehensive public school, 98+
  20. T

    Has your school finished Teaching the Course?

    still doing personalities