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  1. idling fire

    How was your school day?

    Lol, I don't want to get used to it. I want sleep. But I'm only halfway through my essay. :sleep:
  2. idling fire

    How was your school day?

    A prediction for today (since it's nice and early this morning) - I'm going to be uber tired and fall asleep in every class. Thankyou music 1 essay which would be so easy to finish if I could only get a grain of motivation to do so. But I'm cold and tired and disinterested in the concepts of...
  3. idling fire

    Dux of your school

    Last year's dux at my school was 99.70 (or .75, I can't recall). Don't deny your destiny. There's a good chap. :)
  4. idling fire

    EE2 2007 bitch and procrastination thread

    I can see your MW ending up as a collection of beginnings. Then all you have to do is bs your way through some 'artistic' explanation. :)
  5. idling fire

    Not going to the formal?

    Well ours is revoltingly overpriced. Absolute rubbish. And I hated the year 10 formal. But guess what? I'm going. I wish I wasn't. I don't know what's worse - facing the question attack about not going, or just facing the torture chamber. Formals ftl.
  6. idling fire

    What's the most popular genre people are writing in?

    Heh, thought as much. :) I hope you're more prepared than I am at the moment.
  7. idling fire

    What's the most popular genre people are writing in?

    *shifty eyes* You've done your research, I see.
  8. idling fire

    What's the most popular genre people are writing in?

    I have now made an educated guess about your identity. Although I don't know if you are correct to begin with... :P
  9. idling fire

    Viva Voce help

    Mine's tomorrow :( I'm scared.
  10. idling fire

    Transformer Ratio

    I think we just have to know the formula, and that it is because of conservation of energy. But knowing the rest won't hurt :)
  11. idling fire

    school rank?

    Heh, #121. At least we're divisible by 11. Perfect square ftw.
  12. idling fire

    Transformer Ratio

    For the idealistic transformer we use in HSC physics, the energy transformation has no loss, therefore Ep = Es Pp = Ps and since P=VI then Vp*Ip = Vs*Is ... (1) The more coils, the more EMF (ie voltage). So we can see that you are correct: np/ns = Vp/Vs Then, the power must remain...
  13. idling fire

    SHS seminar day 25th May

    Sorry for the uninvited Sydney-dweller post... but Lol a couple of my cousins live in Musswelbrook. There's hope for the one in year 11... but I'm not sure about the others. :)
  14. idling fire

    co-ed school formals.

    We're allowed as many other people as can fit, so it depends on how many buy tickets. I'll be going with friends from school, although I suspect some of them will have dates.
  15. idling fire

    Assessment: Viva Voce

    Mine's next Tuesday. I have done nothing to prepare for it yet. I have written less than 600 words of my 6000-8000 word short story. I literally CAN NOT THINK when I have to say ANYTHING to anyone, in ANY context, let alone being assessed. omg stress!!! *bangs head against desk* :bomb:
  16. idling fire

    How was your school day?

    Today had to be the lamest day in the history of lame days for me. Period 1 - substitute maths teacher who couldn't do maths but thought she could, just assumed everyone understood what she was talking about, when I asked a question about doing a problem she said I was completely wrong and...
  17. idling fire

    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    Are there any of these goku hair boys anywhere? I want one! lol :P Though I don't mind the Gohan style from GT. Extra points for the orange martial arts uniform. And if you turn super saiyan... <3 hehehe ... and back on topic... Well, my ranks have dropped since the half yearlies. The...
  18. idling fire

    the BEST thing about ... PHYSICS!!!! (oh and the worst thing?) LOL

    Best - year 12 space topic (so far, anyway) Worst - when the teacher can't answer your questions (too complex for him lol)
  19. idling fire

    Ideal time to complete drafts

    My teacher is too relaxed, I think. Well, she doesn't show that she's stressed about it. What I need in an English teacher is for them to be like: "Hand in draft NOW. Or you drop the course." This one gives me no pressure. Therefore I do no work. My viva's next week, and I don't even have...
  20. idling fire

    formal prep

    My mum can pick my dress. I hate dresses... they all look the same to me >_< I'll get my stuff when I need to. Whenever. Grrr formal...