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  1. enak

    CSE Mentoring Program

    The site now works, i've just reg'ed.
  2. enak

    COMP1711/MATH1081 Clash

    but still....;)
  3. enak

    24 credit points?

    Whoops, my bad :)
  4. enak

    COMP1711/MATH1081 Clash

    Really? Then thats not many hours at uni for finite maths :p
  5. enak

    24 credit points?

    How do you have 20 credit points if the subjects are either 3 or 6 uoc? Or haven't I been told something :confused:
  6. enak

    CSE Mentoring Program

    Yep, he told us about it.
  7. enak

    COMP1711/MATH1081 Clash

    Now MATH2400 needs fixing :confused:
  8. enak

    CSE Mentoring Program

    The signup button doesn't work :(
  9. enak

    CSE Mentoring Program

    Should I put down female in the preferred category? hahaahahha
  10. enak

    CSE Mentoring Program

    Will you be my mentor? :D I like where is says on the sheet "MENTORS WILL NOT HELP ACADEMICALLY BY DOING YOUR HOMEWORK OR ASSIGNMENTS FOR YOU" :p It says "prefered" category. Does that mean if I put female, i'll get a female mentor? :p
  11. enak

    2nd semester

    Early the better I say. That way there is less risk of losing a position in a lecture that you might need to go, ie timeslots and subject clashes.
  12. enak

    COMP1711/MATH1081 Clash

    Could you ask someone to move math1141 from friday to thursday? :D Preettty pleeaase ;)
  13. enak

    Personality test-Career choices

    Your personality type is ISTJ. Introverted (I) 79% Extraverted (E) 21% Sensing (S) 50% Intuitive (N) 50% Thinking (T) 60% Feeling (F) 40% Judging (J) 64% Perceiving (P) 36% But it's more IxTJ like jm1..9 since S/N was 50% each
  14. enak

    Engineering camp

    There wouldn't be many co-op students would there? That would be like a 10 person camp :p
  15. enak

    Course and Major

    Well, this is the unsw subforum :p
  16. enak

    Timetable clashes

    Damn DAMN!!!!!!
  17. enak

    BIT Co-op Acceptance

    You get a 'temporary' unipass when u accept your offer online, most probably get sent a student id card I suppose.
  18. enak

    Is it advisable to have Lectures immediately after each other?

    I hate my timetable, 5 hour break between lectures on monday, and in second session only 1 one hour lecture on friday!!! They should move it so I only have to attend uni for 3 days :p
  19. enak

    Timetable clashes

    Apparently, this is also what happened last year, so they havent fixed it!!!! :mad: I'll check second session, but still, thats pretty bad for core subjects to clash :( And yes!! only 15 hours of lectures a week in first session, 11 hours a week in second :D
  20. enak

    Timetable clashes

    I have a similar problem in seng, clash between math1081 and comp1711. I guess i'll ring em up.