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  1. James747

    Need Help with Subject Selection

    I'd suggest you choose the subjects that you feel most confident in and enjoy the most. From what I have heard, scaling will NOT affect you if you do well in a subject, nor will it scale u up to like, say, a band 6, if u do poorly in it. It seems unrealistic that your mark will get scaled up...
  2. James747

    Acceleration in your school?

    One of my friends are accelerating in both Physic and Maths Ext 1 right now, but he is not doing that well in maths. Do you think accelerating in two subjects is a good idea (and almost failing one), or just a waste of time?
  3. James747

    Acceleration in your school?

    Not necessarily if there are teachers dedicated to accelerating the students. We don't get direct help from the teacher unless you ask. Like they're not willing to especially dedicate time to teach you the stuff, so I (and the other accelerant) basically have to learn all the stuff by myself. I...
  4. James747

    only yr10 or yr9 also?

    I know, for this year's SC, that the history part will only be about stuff you learnt this year. All the stuff from last yr will not be included. ;)
  5. James747

    Recommendations for a resturant?

    Thai Pothong @ Newtown for Thai food Seoul Ria @ City (Just off george St) for Korean/Jap food These are my two fav restuarants in Sydney! Highly recommend them!
  6. James747

    Being worse can it get??

    i think longsighted is the opposite of shortsighted. So if you can see stuff close up, then you cant see stuff far away. And vice versa
  7. James747

    Acceleration in your school?

    Thanks for the replies. I am doing acceleration right now in Physics Preliminary, but experiencing abit of difficulty along the way on various topics. I actually wanted to do chemistry instead, as many have told me its "easier" to make sense of it, but i wasn't recommended as the teacher told...
  8. James747

    Acceleration in your school?

    Hello all! In my school we have a program called Acceleration, which as the name suggests, you accelerate your course. i.e. you learn ahead of your peers in a particular subject and do the school cert when you're in yr 9; hsc preliminary course in yr 10; and hsc in yr11. I wanted to ask...
  9. James747

    Work experience

    I'm doin my work experience at Gate Gourmet (an airline catering company) during mid-August. Actually wanted to go work at some airline like Qantas or Cathay Pacific instead, but they said only "relatives or friends" allowed. :( Still looking forward to it though, should be quite interesting...