hrmm I can see what happens:
somefirstyearguy : Hey, do you know where (someotherguy) is?
anotherfirstyearguy : Oh, they're playing cluedo over there.
somefirstyearguy : Oh screw lower comp. Im just gonna play blackadder and baldrick.
Couldn't agree more, except please wear head protection for your safety :)
One of the reason discrete seems so hard is because it's hard to understand, and a chapter of it requires you to know many proofs from first year uni maths to do well at.
And to make things worse, they don't give...
oh, thanks for that! this theorem looks like as if it'll be my best friend during that exam time :).
oke thanks a lot for the helps people, really greatly appreciated :D
Hi, just another silly question: prove that log(5)15 is irrational. Tried to go the old log<sub>10</sub>3 way, but now it all boils down to trying to prove that 3<sup>q</sup> != 5<sup>m</sup> where q and m are integers. or was I just lead in the wrong direction?
ok great, that one looks pretty good for me :D
now for next question (bet your wondering when this will end):
let a and n be integers, greater than 1. prove a<sup>n</sup> - 1 is prime only if a = 2 and n is prime. Is the converse of this statement true? Show that 2<sup>n</sup> + 1 is prime...
ok thanks for that, cheers :)
just another simple question (I think this thread title should be changed to "basic questions for my algebra exam")
prove that log<sub>10</sub>3 is irrational.
Now for this one I started with stating its contrary, that log<sub>10</sub>3 = p/q (whereas p & q...
okay, can you please expand the "minor algebra" part? Im algebraically, mathematically and logically challenged here :).
cheers for the solution though
this question is so annoying, someone help me!
sqrt(5 + sqrt(5)) - sqrt(5 - sqrt(5)) > 1
is there any general tips with square roots that appear like this? thanks in advance :)
and you can always go to the math labs (which happens to often be not-full). Although in my opinion the math lab comps are very sluggish (compared to cse).