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  1. underthesun

    INFS1603 Question for tommorow.

    ah ok. Maybe I'll just ask some friends to show me the questions.. *rushes off and tries to build up the cse friends list
  2. underthesun

    Whos got homework?

    one of these U (union) and that other and stuff looks like computer "if else while" logic, so it seems a bit cheesy.. Maths lecturers talking computers? heheh
  3. underthesun

    UNI is so BORING!

    Whoa, do you get to tutor when you're second year or something? arr
  4. underthesun

    Whos got homework?

    sets sets sets.. grrr... just a matter of time before workload increases to infinity i guess..
  5. underthesun

    UNI is so BORING!

    Anybody not in computing 1711 is missing out so much! *best_lecturer_ever* :)
  6. underthesun


    Including hot water? woohoo! Im gonna bring cup noodles from today onwards methingks :p
  7. underthesun

    INFS1603 Question for tommorow.

    I wonder if the lecture notes will cover "all you need", or will you "need some more" from the book?
  8. underthesun

    BE (Software Engineering)

    dont' worry, I think there's more "know no-one"ers than you think... btw Is there any way to tell those sesoc ppl that their forum is dead?
  9. underthesun


    Do they cost any $$$ to use?
  10. underthesun

    INFS1603 Question for tommorow.

    Wow.. I actually fell asleep for quite a few times in that lecture. The room was dark, and the lecturer wasn't quite engaging, and seems a bit nervous.. Is the book really that important? already forked out too much $$$ on it...
  11. underthesun

    How was everyone's first day?

    I dont think it's ever late to join clubs or socs.. cuz if it is, then i'm screwed :).
  12. underthesun

    How was everyone's first day?

    Actually, I didnt' quite catch his name.. removed his e-mail from screen just when I was about to write it down. Something along the line of blennexhoose...
  13. underthesun

    How was everyone's first day?

    higher maths seemed allright, the lecturer seems a bit strict..
  14. underthesun

    Who here has to travel from afar...

    891, 393 and 395, I think so..
  15. underthesun

    Who here has to travel from afar...

    Thats fridays for me :D. Probably try to skip it?
  16. underthesun

    Who here has to travel from afar...

    Pretty much teh same to you, 1 hour travel one way, makes 2 hours wasted everyday... Considered moving to kingsford?
  17. underthesun


    Nope, that place doesn't refer to the real zanzibar, but rather the one from metal gear :D (by Hideo Kojima)
  18. underthesun

    UNSW clubs & societies

    probably badminton is included, as it is predominantly asian. of course, denmark is pretty good at it, but I've mostly heard of chinese and indonesian badminton winners in uber and thomas cup.
  19. underthesun


    Apparently they also still chase you, even though they know you're running away. That happened. :(
  20. underthesun

    what is this "cse" email they speak of?

    probably next week, in the lab somehow. again, i'm not so sure.