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  1. underthesun

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    hollerith.. its a punchcard reproducer I thinks. And Hollerith is the founder of IBM? asset 42 is a mistake, its the lift number 42, but its apparently asset number 13333 something forgot..
  2. underthesun

    Lab location : OMB 113 : where?

    Will do (next time). Too late :p. btw my tutor happens to be Ricky Friedlander.. do you happen to know anything about him?
  3. underthesun

    math 1081 discrete

    haha I had the feeling that he is. Just by looking at his name :D "Steele. John Steele."
  4. underthesun

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    Hehehe.. a bunch of 1711 students "luckily" met together and shared solutions, lucky we met in the contact centre :) thanks anyways :p
  5. underthesun

    Lab location : OMB 113 : where?

    Aaa ok thx a lot.. btw the help desk dont' seem too friendly anymore, after showing the signs of being "pissed off" for me asking too much scavenger hunt question..
  6. underthesun

    Lab location : OMB 113 : where?

    yeah, so where the hell is OMB 113? and does anybody know if theres a site somewhere in unsw which you could look up for info on locations..
  7. underthesun

    math 1081 discrete

    Jie Du first.. and we're having him again this week. Who's stricter? I was always under the impression that chinese teachers are always stricter than others..
  8. underthesun

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    yeah, there were tons of people in front of library around 12:00.. had the most annoying scavenger hunt ever, so i couldn't go :)
  9. underthesun

    Math 1A

    Is it just me, or that David Hunt is the scariest lecturer ever? He has overemphasized the rudeness of coming to lectures late..
  10. underthesun

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    Oh yeah, especially if the alarm goes off, as it did during o-week :p. How about finding out through ringing other's mobile phone?
  11. underthesun

    CSE email

    Whoa.. what method did you use to do that? btw I could check my mails over the net with that webmail site..
  12. underthesun

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    Looks like that sentence sells. Maybe friday, but im not sure about monday..
  13. underthesun

    LOL. What Is Psychology Like??

    contrary to popular belief as shown here, software engineering is the best. :p
  14. underthesun

    proving one fo the set theorems

    I asked the question twice, one here and one as a reply :p. I guess i was the impatient one hehe
  15. underthesun

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    What kind of tips? :p
  16. underthesun

    Whos got homework?

    So C in second semester is imminent?
  17. underthesun

    proving one fo the set theorems

    Yeah, checked it out, thanks too :D. So, turtle, you actually choosing maths (and overloading maybe?), even though it does not count towards your degree? I was thinking to change from seng/science to seng/MbioMedE, since master sounds better, and that'd mean me not doing maths (will still...
  18. underthesun

    Orientation week

    hrmm.. the engineering faculty sausage sizzle lacks mustard.. but still tastes good. damn you had to have id card for diary tho
  19. underthesun

    math 1081 discrete

    looks like a nice solution to me :). See, the nextprime function in maple will be good for this :D