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  1. Weisy

    UAC preferences

    It's a daily battle between my first and second preferences...
  2. Weisy

    anyone attain a scholarship??

    yeah, as flyin' said, some have already been given out, while others haven't. Coop and the USYD entrance scholarships have already been offered.
  3. Weisy

    change pref.

    yeah, we were always told to accept the first offer you get, no matter what it is (presuming that since you put it on your UAC form, you actaully want to do it). Then change your preferences round (if need be) for the late round. If you also get an offer in the late round, then you can choose...
  4. Weisy

    Ne1 get a uai below 80

    I think it's great that you're happy, and congratulations for making it into the course you wanted. But I also think that it's not right to condemn those who scored high and were disappointed. Everyone has their own personal standards. you can't judge others by your own standards, so someone...
  5. Weisy

    Nooby tutors - your thoughts

    Confidence in tutoring is a personal is a person's choice of a tutor. I've never had tutoring, and perhaps I could have done better if I had, but I have always believed that to be of my own infliction. So when someone approaches you for help, I think they have already mentally...
  6. Weisy

    2002 HSC Marks

    tee hee, that's true. 3unit marks were 96, 96. My 4unit marks were off by four marks though.
  7. Weisy

    What didn't count for you?

    thanks. :)
  8. Weisy

    What didn't count for you?

  9. Weisy

    What didn't count for you?

    yes, I would love to do that. I'd like to get into sydney uni (hence anti-incentive to do medicine) so I can try my luck at getting into the advanced performance programme there. I've been pearning piano privately since I started music, so I'd love to be able to do some big competitions and...
  10. Weisy

    What didn't count for you?

    oh, thankyou. my admiration to you for doing so damn well!! hehe I did 13 units this year, 2 the year before, 3 the year before that. I did them because I was interested in them, and I really enjoyed all the subjects I did (well that's stretching the truth a little - business studies...
  11. Weisy

    After 13 years...thoughts, emotions and pearls of wisdom

    *sniffles at Lazy's post* awwwwwwwww..... I'm actually feeling a little empty at the moment...I mean for Christ's sake it's Christmas Eve, and I don't feel anything! Mum and I had a big cookout today and she was telling me how high school ws the best time of her life...I'd have to agree...
  12. Weisy

    UAIs and ACER

    tee hee, well, noone's going to hold that against you. :D
  13. Weisy

    Medicine anyone?

    yes, and yes. :) did you?
  14. Weisy

    What didn't count for you?

    business studies (93) latin (94) chemistry (85) and one unit of advanced english (91) and ext 2 maths didn't count for me.
  15. Weisy

    Which is more important?

    tee hee, how true that is. But notice that most of these people who will remember are older/or at least middle-aged. They have nothing better to do with their lives than discuss the future 'hope' of the nation, which of course, translates to you. :D
  16. Weisy

    Second time round

    The above is all good advice, imho. It depends on your reasons for wanting to repeat. Is it because you're not going to get into the course you want with your UAI? Or, as Bon said, are you just unhappy with your marks? Or something else? Personally, neither of these would induce me to...
  17. Weisy

    UAIs and ACER

    Fair enough. But why is tracking the progress of high-performing students at private schools through their high-school years ridiculous research? I suppose they haven't done anything in the past 6 years...but oh well. Although I don't agree with the UAI being the sole indicator of academic...
  18. Weisy

    HARD VS EASY Subjects

    Yes, the dux of our school this year didn't do any maths or science, and she got a UAI of 99.90. The runner-up also got this score, with no science courses, and without doing 4unit maths. Their marks were simply fantastic.
  19. Weisy

    UAIs and ACER

    oh, and to the answer the questions.... ACER devises an examination which is given by most private schools to candidates applying for their scholarships. The examinations are at year 6, 8 and 10 level, for entry in years 7, 9 and 11. I gave them my consent. From what I read, all they're...
  20. Weisy

    UAIs and ACER

    yes, I got that request as well. The scholarship holders at my school got a mail request after the HSC which we had to return to them. I guess they just want to track the academic progress of people who had performed well in their tests in year 6.