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  1. B

    Trials Results

    Well my IPT mark could of been higher if I had the opportunity to study for it more but I had english paper 1 on the same day and I was more concerned about english than IPT. Plus the highest mark in the year for that general maths paper was 86%
  2. B

    Trials Results

    So far IPT - 78% 1/9 SDD - 78% 1/11 Gen Maths - 75% dunno rank yet I should be getting back business and english next week and so far pretty good.
  3. B

    CSSA trial thoughts

    woot got my mark back - 78%! which i think is heaps good for that CSSA trial. I came 1st in my class for it.. the average was like in the 40's lol. Well my final assessment percentage is 78% and my final ranking is 2/11. Yay ]
  4. B


    Re: First Preferences? I'm trying to get into that too but if I get lower than 85 in business on the day the results release then I will only do the bscit
  5. B

    hsc is so close!

    My intensive study plan will commence from next monday. I'm going to the UTS open day next week (if i'm not working), it will probably motivate me some more.
  6. B

    CSSA trial thoughts

    for that flowchart.. were we meant to do the sub-programs too i.e. two more flowcharts for just them?
  7. B

    CSSA trial thoughts

    It was very easy to convert that CASEWHEREOTHERWISEENDCASE algorithm into a IFTHENELSEENDIF algorithm in question 21.
  8. B

    Catholic School Trials

    I did the software CSSA today.... it wasn't the easiest test.
  9. B

    Are you going to keep studying after trails?

    Fuck yeah I finished my trials today I'm so happy. It's gonna be a nice week break from studying.
  10. B

    CSSA trial thoughts

    My school isn't catholic but we did this paper with different questions for evo. How hard was question 21 lol.. hardest part of the paper but other than that I did pretty well... the word based questions were fine but there were too many algorithms.
  11. B


    I think I'm starting to panic about my maths exam on monday.. I just did the 2006 HSC and I got about 63% FUCK!!!! If that was the hsc I'd be screwed. Looks like I have a lot of work to do after the trials for maths. I have never realised I was this crap at maths. Stupid school and their easy...
  12. B

    If you could go back to...

    I'd pick advanced english cauz at least ppl in advance people actually want to do WELL. The people in my class are a bunch of fuckheads who are wasting their time at school when they should be looking for a job. Plus at my school I believe they mark the advanced kids easier and they mark the...
  13. B

    Is anyone else over the HSC?

    I'm pretty worried about my maths exam on monday.. I did a practice trial paper out of the pink past papers book and I only got 58% omg :eek: But yeah it was the hardest general maths paper I've done so far. I'm gonna do last years HSC exam tonight.
  14. B

    UAI predicton plz :(

    Well I haven't received my trial results back and I still have two exams to go but what would be my predicted UAI with these marks and ranks? English Std. - 63% - Rank 8/50 maybe cauz they haven't given standard their ranks because they presume we don't give a shit lol General Maths - 84% Rank...
  15. B

    Words you've come to despise...

    Text/s Journeys Techniques Play Novel Poem Global Business Algorithms Algebra Surface Area Probability Scaling Rank Uai Hsc Trials And Of Course... School
  16. B

    Are you going to keep studying after trails?

    I'll be taking a week off to recover and then I will get back into the routine again for the real HSC
  17. B

    cssa paper 2007

    Our school didn't do the catholic trial but still it was a pretty good test. I wrote 4 A4 pages for each section. Q1 - How do the authors of your texts use image to involve the responder? - Umm they use images to communicate ideas/themes, people and places to their audiences. (Truman Show) -...
  18. B

    Trials: When are they? Are you ready? How were they? (merged)

    I'm screwed for paper 2 tomorrow. I can't memorise my essays dammit. I hate you english! But I will give the exam my best shot. :burn:
  19. B

    Is anyone else over the HSC?

    how does that relate to journeys?