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  1. Skillo

    How many pages. CONFESS

    Indochina: 10.5 USA: 4.5 Hearst: 5 all up (Uh ohhh.) Excoiting stuff that exam was...not.
  2. Skillo

    The General "How did you go in Modern?" Thread

    I thought it was a fairly average paper. WWI (except for focussing on Bloody Paris Peace Conference of all bloody things!!) and Indochina were okay. It was hard to decide what to talk about for Indochina though. But National Study...I did USA and it was TOTALLY frigged in the head. The...
  3. Skillo

    Onstage Nominatoins

    Hahahaha. Canberra...hahaha...regional...hahaha. The thought of those two words in the same sentence just doesn't work. :p 6 hours away...thats where I am...that's what I call regional.
  4. Skillo

    ArtXpress Selection pool

    Some works aren't sent away for pre-selection do to them being fragile and could be damaged during transport. I know this happen to a girl at my dad's school 2 years ago. Series of ceramic sculptures...beautiful...the markers would've been 3 for pre-selection....but the ceramic one...
  5. Skillo

    The 2004 HSC - Drama Paper

    Aussie question...threw me at first but wasn't that bad after I got into it. Brecht was a bit wishy washy...too general...again.
  6. Skillo

    ArtXpress Selection pool

    WOOOOP! Got phone call from Art teacher this pre-selected! Totally stoked and over the moon... Now there is the waiting game of whether it makes the cut or not... Congrats to all others who got preselected...and for those who did not, I'm sure that your works are still...
  7. Skillo

    Asking for assistance...

    Oh for christ sake. Stop trying to start a fight. I posted this in response to some requests that were coming through earlier this year. I understand what you're saying...but I don't agree with it. As for...'Who am I to be saying this'? Someone who has been around on this forum for a long...
  8. Skillo

    caucasian chalk circle!?!?!

    Let's not take sides. I just want people to recognise how to ask for help in this forum... I've been around a I'm just trying to teach the n00bs how to ask.
  9. Skillo

    Announcement: Monday's Exam

    HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's a point. I could say I travelled to Berlin and exhumed the corpse of Brecht to ask him questions about Epic Theatre and then went to where the Berliner Ensemble was situated and re-played TTO for a 6month season...and they can't dispute it. Well, maybe the dead...
  10. Skillo

    Quick question about Brecht & Threepenny

    As for Epic theatre...we're kinda investigating it in the context of Brecht's Epic Theatre. As for Piscator...geezz...I dunno. Maybe..?!? Here is a few points on Epic Theatre: A form of non dramatic theatre based upon a narrative undertaken on a huge scale. Sometimes set in foreign and...
  11. Skillo

    Quick question about Brecht & Threepenny

    What Flipsyde said. I've never really followed the theory that episodic don't have a central plot...cause Brecht plays are soooo rich in ideologies and philosophies... Hehehe. I think those words are pretty.
  12. Skillo

    essay & forms...

    If it's a shit question...who wants to firebomb the BOS with me... *Don't worry, don't call the Terrorist Hotline, I'm only joking* :D
  13. Skillo

    caucasian chalk circle!?!?!

    Well, for a start. It is not a book. It is a play. That always helps. It is worth noting that you don't really need to know the play exceptionally well. You just need to know how the play upholds Brecht theories on theatre etc etc. I would post up some of my notes but they are not divided...
  14. Skillo

    ArtXpress Selection pool

    Aww. Thanks. Postman Pat is hopefully going to be my saviour... :rolleyes:
  15. Skillo

    Exam/Study Rituals?

    I wear a little brooch I got when I was born...its of a christmas angel. And I have my water bottle on the left side of my desk and pens and stuff on the right side. I get up at 6am the day of a morning exam and cram until 7.30am. Then I feel sick. I do some deep breathing for 30mins...I have to...
  16. Skillo

    Hardest Breakup Ever?

    I have to agree. It sounds like she really is emotionally distressed Re: American Sailor boy and she is in the mindframe that she needs someone to be with her otherwise she feels unwanted and ugly and low self esteem stuff like that. But she does need some help. Parents, Counsellor, A good...
  17. Skillo

    Module A - Elective 3: Speculative Fiction (Essay)

    Hehehehehe. Now lookies at that. An arguement broke out. Sophisticated vocabulary does not reveal 'better teaching'...merely a good vocabulary. Peace out everyone. As Gordo said, good luck in the rest of your exams... :)
  18. Skillo

    ArtXpress Selection pool

    The markers came to our school yesterday afternoon and finished this morning...and my teacher hasn't rung...which probably means I didn't get in... I'm going to go see her on Monday before my Drama exam, just to know if anyone in my year made it in. I'd be happy if my bestie got nominated...
  19. Skillo

    Drama Essay Questions.

    Didn't end up getting the CSSA Trial peoples. I'm totally farked if the Brecht question is to do with his political aims...
  20. Skillo

    Module A - Elective 3: Speculative Fiction (Essay)

    Ooohhh! Lol. Fight me do ya? Lol. Here is my spiel...minus the huge words... ;) During the mid 1960’s, an era that witnessed Science Fiction and Fantasy texts gaining momentum amongst the under 30s demographic, the ‘Umbrella’ term SF emerged. Distinction between the three genres Fantasy...