Search results

  1. M

    How was your school day?

    Oh poor you, hope those day offs did you good Kid. :) Chem is sucky, the teacher's always yelling at me. Took peer support and src photos. The thing that sucks on photo day is how you have to line up by height and I'm always at the end. lame.
  2. M

    Westpac Mathematics Competition

    Re: Maths comp [westpac] Heh, me and some friends got sent out so we didn't do the exam. Partly because there weren't enough senior papers and partly because we didn't pay :o Oh well, spent my time making plasticine DNA whatevers.
  3. M

    Westpac Mathematics Competition

    Re: Maths comp [westpac] Your periods are pretty short yeah? I skip maths just to do maths again, gah, how lame.
  4. M

    2007 Jerseys

    Re: what are you putting on the back of ur year 12 jersey? I thought it meant Bamboo :o
  5. M

    2007 Jerseys

    Re: what are you putting on the back of ur year 12 jersey? Muffin•Love
  6. M

    Westpac Mathematics Competition

    Re: Maths comp [westpac] I personally don't see a point in doing well in the maths comp but hey, skipping two periods is fine by me.
  7. M

    10? 11? or 12 units for year 12?

    Found a table from a thread about units here. From the table, I'd say 11 or 12 units is quite okie but hey, do what you think you can do not what the table tells you to.
  8. M

    What is your all time favourite book?

    Re: What is your all time favourite book/s? Looking for Alibrandi - Melina Marchetta Finding Cassie Crazy - Jaclyn Moriarty Take my word for it - John Marsden
  9. M


    We did a similar thing in Business Studies, called ourselves Jelly Joy and sold jelly. Probably not gonna happen again next year, peanut allergies and krispy kremes and stuff.
  10. M

    Dramatic techniques

    Not to sure what you mean by "dramatic techniques", are you talking about literary ones like alliteration, tone? Or are they entirely different?
  11. M

    How was your school day?

    They probably need a new yoga instructor.
  12. M

    How was your school day?

    Got a new permanent chem teacher. He walks around with pliers in his pockets.
  13. M

    bio prelim trials

    Have you tried the resource section? Here.
  14. M

    Why did you attend Year 11 ?

    Such brilliance should be admired and adored. An inspiration to us all.
  15. M

    How tough is it doing all 3 science subjects???!

    The combination of your subjects shouldn't stop you from doing the Distinction courses I don't think, ask your year advisor or something.
  16. M

    Why did you attend Year 11 ?

    Gonna be a real happy man eh? A bit of everything for me, not just one sole reason, also I haven't got much of an idea about what to do later as of now.
  17. M

    any advise would be appreciated so much...

    Welcome to BOS! :) You seem to be having a tough time, I hope you know that you don't have to go through it alone, there's always people willing to help despite the fact that things look bleak atm. Surely things will get better soon. I've never been to a counsellor but they're there to...
  18. M

    Business Preliminary Research Task

    We were given two separate BRT's, one on an existing business and one hypothetical one. They're pretty much similar except that since the hypothetical one is obviously made-up, you're gonna have to make up stuff about it (e.g location, markets) whereas the existing one is there, you can grill...
  19. M

    Anyone reading 'Looking for Alibrandi'?

    Well everyone has pretty much summed the book out for you but yeah, it's a great book. Mainly girls would actually love it I think, boys might but not as much as the girl kids.
  20. M

    What is your motivation?

    My eco book has fallen apart after having just one page torn out of it. also never pasting in sheets doesn't help. But chem and bio are neat and pretty, they're the only ones contacted. Btw, you and Chocolate_lover might just become best friends or mortal enemies, whichever way, welcome...