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    acct midsession

    hmm just stumbled onto this thread.. how did everyone go?:p
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    Phycis Context 2 Solutions

    How desperate is this? I have the solutions from my physics textbook.. the red one with the satellite on the front.. I think thats physics in contexts... about 40mm thick. don't ask how i got them;) but I'll put them up if its desparate.. they are somewhere on my backup cds
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    different people have different expecations. and to answer the question honestly, i'm not worried about biology.. the main reason being well.. cuz i did it last year:) gilly_aj: its nothing to be worried about.. you will be fine.. i see a 90+ bio in you from what i gather. and besdies, if...
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    gamete formation.... variability of offspring

    a textbook helps too:)
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    "wet floor"

    i spent ages taking nice pics of the uni.. now u've destroyed our reputation lolz look at the picture carefully.. i guess u can see what it used to be used for:p
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    gamete formation.... variability of offspring

    xaio: how do you find to time to post on BOS so much:p you've overtaken my post count babydoll_: harsh hey:p okay enough spamming else i'll get banned;) valentino: basically gamete formation=meiosis sexual reproduction=fertilisation Your questions have been answered, but I think its...
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    Bio Hsc Responses

    yeah kacca29 raised a very good point.. do NOT contradict urself.. otherwise u'll just start losing marks
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    UNSW Scholarship CV

    blehz fruit use the same personal statement.. i'll edit it for you;)
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    Absolute Value Sketching

    sketch the two separate graphs and add graphically
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    students with

    Yes, me and constip8edskunk do com/sci.. same subjects (some of them) Jase: yes.. but remember each orbital can only hold two electrons, one with +1/2 spin, one with -1/2 spin
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    students with

    I reckon its better to at least understand ALL the stuff in the syllabus, rather than just memorising....What happens when you forgot the fifteenth word of the third line in the second paragraph of the third quadrant of the first of many pages..? Jase: I disagree.. If you understand, you...
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    students with

    well well getting 90+ in physics is not about the book you use. Its about how you use the book, and probably more importantly, is how you structure your study, the techniques you use, and last, but not least of all, use your brain. Sounds stupid, but in practice- well its not that easy...
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    Study Tips

    read my thread entitled.. studing for physics or something like that (its a sticky); thats all i can offer:)
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    Bio Hsc Responses

    In general, if you find yourself writing way over the lines 1. You are writting rubbish (as in waffle) 2. Your writing is big In my opinion, most of the questions, if not all can be answered within the given space
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    i think to get 90+ u should know ur stuff.. prove urself worthy of a 90.. everyone has a slightly different way of going about doing this, but the most common way is to do lots of practice
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    Dual Screen Display

    apparently my Ti4200 can run dual view...using nView.. one DVI and one VGA.. wanna try that:)
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    Tutor In Physics/chemistry

    xaio: u seem to know quite a lot of tutors:p cleverangel: whereabouts do you live etc... year 11? year 12?
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    UNSW or UTS

    If you post in the UNSW forum, most people will say go to UNSW.. I say it also depends on where you live.. UNSW was the closest for me--> no choice there:p
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    BCom Acturial + BSci Stat?

    acturial can go with anything... biochem!:D
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    Chemistry vs Physics - difficulty?

    this is my 2cents(without having read thru the thread) it really depends on what type of person you are... if u are betta with numbers/maths i reckon u will find physics easier otherwise personally i found both pretty easy:), but note: some stuff i neva really understood in chem, and...