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  1. T


    So in other words if you are absolute first in your school, then your HSC mark will be whatever your Exam mark is ? meaning if you came first with assesment mark of 99 but stuffed up and got 60 in the Exam then your HSC mark is 60 for that particular subject ? So that also means if you got a low...
  2. T

    what do they do with student's hsc papers?

    if you ring them up and request for them or at least a copy of yours, can you get them back ?
  3. T

    what do they do with student's hsc papers?

    make copies of all the exempler band 5/6 answers and wateva and throw away the rest i guess
  4. T

    English Is Hard

    English now is just English Literature. What happened to spelling, grammar, punctuation etc. I remember looking at some old English exam and there were questions like "Describe the use of commas".
  5. T

    No Maths, Science or History

    haha yeah every friday we had ancient history first thing in the morning so our teacher would bring us food and coffee.
  6. T

    HSC in 2006. Are these subjects going to scale me down?

    IT scales bad but dont worry about the scaling, if u do well in your courses, you will get a good UAI. Dont let scaling distract you.
  7. T

    What was that school which only allowed top students to do the HSC?

    well wouldnt students consistently failing in selective schools get kicked out eventually ??
  8. T

    iPod battery sucks hardcore

    ipods suck, apple justs markets them well, hence they are the number 1 mp3 player on the market. Creative and iAudio make better quality players and are much cheaper in comparison to the ipod. Buy one of those.
  9. T

    Who came first in their ipt class :D

    have no idea....this wasnt for HSC
  10. T

    when are your guys proposals due...?

    yeah mines due Term 1 also
  11. T


    ok thankyou
  12. T

    Countdown to the HSC

    yeah it was in the 300's for me the other day and now its 629
  13. T


    ok, i entered some marks in of what i expect i could get as i dont have any marks yet to indicate anything but what i dont understand is that when i read the info it says everything is scaled down - even if its only slightly - including mathematics, physics, history ext etc. eg i put 92 in for...
  14. T

    i play CS alot, suck alot, how do I get better?

    get some 1337 hax :P
  15. T

    Major Project 2006

    instead of doing individual projects, our class is developing an electronic roll and student barcode ID system for our school and its probably actually going to be implemented.
  16. T

    Who came first in their ipt class :D

    1st in IPT and SDD, don't know exact marks but i do know i was quite a bit ahead of the rest of the class like around 15-20% lol...
  17. T

    Does anybody actually studying ipt know much about computers

    i do IPT and SDD, but i know alot bout computers, programming etc and i came 1st in both this year. I found both relatively easy.
  18. T

    What subjects are you doing?

    English Advanced Mathematics 2 unit (droped 3 unit = mad decision) Physics Information Processes Technology Software Design Ancient History History Extension Total = 13 units